
Read the statement of problem G for the definitions concerning trees. In the following we define the basic terminology of heaps. A heap is a tree whose internal nodes have each assigned a priority (a number) such that the priority of each internal node is less
than the priority of its parent. As a consequence, the root has the greatest priority in the tree, which is one of the reasons why heaps can be used for the implementation of priority queues and for sorting. 

A binary tree in which each internal node has both a label and a priority, and which is both a binary search tree with respect to the labels and a heap with respect to the priorities, is called a treap. Your task is, given a set of label-priority-pairs, with
unique labels and unique priorities, to construct a treap containing this data. 


The input contains several test cases. Every test case starts with an integer n. You may assume that 1<=n<=50000. Then follow n pairs of strings and numbers l1/p1,...,ln/pn denoting the label and priority of each node. The strings are non-empty and composed
of lower-case letters, and the numbers are non-negative integers. The last test case is followed by a zero.


For each test case output on a single line a treap that contains the specified nodes. A treap is printed as (< left sub-treap >< label >/< priority >< right sub-treap >). The sub-treaps are printed recursively, and omitted if leafs.

Sample Input

7 a/7 b/6 c/5 d/4 e/3 f/2 g/1
7 a/1 b/2 c/3 d/4 e/5 f/6 g/7
7 a/3 b/6 c/4 d/7 e/2 f/5 g/1

Sample Output




#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std; struct S{
int id,val;
int parent,l,r;
}node[50005]; int stk[50005],top;
char s[50005][20]; bool cmp(struct S a,struct S b)
if(strcmp(s[],s[])<0) return 1; return 0;
} int build(int n)
int i; top=0; stk[top]=0; for(i=1;i<n;i++)
while(top>=0 && node[stk[top]].val<node[i].val) top--;//注意。这里让小于当前值的出栈 if(top>-1)
} stk[++top]=i;
} return stk[0];//返回根节点
} void dfs(int x)
printf("(");//先输出左括号 if(node[x].l!=-1) dfs(node[x].l);//假设有左子树。就先输出左子树 printf("%s/%d",s[node[x].id],node[x].val);//输出自己 if(node[x].r!=-1) dfs(node[x].r);//再输出右子树 printf(")");//右括号
} int main()
int n,i,root; while(~scanf("%d",&n) && n)
scanf("%*[ ]%[a-z]/%d",s[i],&node[i].val); node[i].id=i; node[i].parent=node[i].l=node[i].r=-1;
} sort(node,node+n,cmp);//按字符串字典序排序 root=build(n);//建树 dfs(root);//递归输出 printf("\n");

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