Mixed Fractions

You are part of a team developing software to help students learn basic mathematics. You are to write one part of that software, which is to display possibly improper fractions as mixed fractions. A proper fraction is one where the numerator is less than the denominator; a mixed fraction is a whole number followed by a proper fraction. For example the improper fraction 27/12 is equivalent to the mixed fraction 2 3/12. You should not reduce the fraction (i.e. don’t change 3/12 to 1/4).


Input has one test case per line. Each test case contains two integers in the range [1,231−1][1,231−1]. The first number is the numerator and the second is the denominator. A line containing 0 00 0 will follow the last test case.


For each test case, display the resulting mixed fraction as a whole number followed by a proper fraction, using whitespace to separate the output tokens.

Sample Input 1 Sample Output 1
27 12
2460000 98400
3 4000
0 0
2 3 / 12
25 0 / 98400
0 3 / 4000




using namespace std;
int main() {
long long n, m;
while(cin >> n >> m) {
if(n == m && n == )
long long cnt = ;
if(n >= m) {
cnt = n / m;
n = n - cnt * m;
printf("%d %d / %d\n", cnt, n, m);

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