
题目答案不具有单调性,所以不可以二分,转而思考贪心。因为无法确定位置,所以考虑如何才能让对于每一个$1 ~ i$使得$i$的答案最大,即$1 ~ i$最后一个最优。若设对于位置$i$,$a[i]$表示左手,$b[i]$表示右手,$S$为其前面所有人的左手之积,那么他的答案就是$\frac{S}{b[i]}$,如果存在在$i$后边的$j$的答案更优, 即$\frac{S * a[i]}{b[j]} > \frac{S * a[j]}{b[i]} => a[i] * b[i] > a[j] * b[j]$,这样只要我们以a[i] * b[i]为关键字从小到大排序,就能保证每个前缀的最后一个都是最优的,只要$o(n)$扫一遍取最大值即可,记得使用高精度。


using namespace std; const int N = ;
int n, a[N], b[N], c[N], ka, kb, kc; inline int read(){
int i = , f = ; char ch = getchar();
for(; (ch < '' || ch > '') && ch != '-'; ch = getchar());
if(ch == '-') f = -, ch = getchar();
for(; ch >= '' && ch <= ''; ch = getchar())
i = (i << ) + (i << ) + (ch - '');
return i * f;
} inline void wr(int x){
if(x < ) putchar('-'), x = -x;
if(x > ) wr(x / );
putchar(x % + '');
} struct bign{
int len, s[];
bign():len(){memset(s, , sizeof s);}
bign(int x):len(){
memset(s, , sizeof s);
s[++len] = x % ;
x /= ;
if(!len) len = ;
inline void clear(){
while(len > && s[len] == ) len--;
inline bign operator * (const bign &b) const{
bign ret;
ret.len = len + b.len + ;
for(int i = ; i <= len; i++)
for(int j = ; j <= b.len; j++)
ret.s[i + j - ] += s[i] * b.s[j];
for(int i = ; i <= ret.len; i++)
if(ret.s[i] >= ){
ret.s[i + ] += ret.s[i] / ;
ret.s[i] %= ;
return ret;
inline bign operator - (const bign &b) const{
bign ret;
ret.len = len;
for(int i = ; i <= len; i++){
ret.s[i] = ret.s[i] + s[i];
if(i <= b.len) ret.s[i] = ret.s[i] - b.s[i];
if(ret.s[i] < ){
ret.s[i + ]--;
ret.s[i] += ;
return ret;
bign operator / (int b) {
bign c;
int f = ;
for(int i = len; i >= ; i--){
f = f * + s[i];
while(!(f < b)){
f -= b;
c.len = len;
return c;
inline bool operator > (const bign &b) const{
if(len != b.len) return len > b.len;
for(int i = len; i >= ; i--)
if(s[i] != b.s[i]) return s[i] > b.s[i];
return false;
inline bool operator == (const bign &b) const{
if(len != b.len) return false;
for(int i = len; i >= ; i--)
if(s[i] != b.s[i]) return false;
return true;
inline bool operator < (const bign &b) const{
if(len != b.len) return len < b.len;
for(int i = len; i >= ; i--)
if(s[i] != b.s[i]) return s[i] < b.s[i];
return false;
inline void print(){
for(int i = len; i >= ; i--)
}fa, ans, big0, big10; struct node{
int a, b, c;
inline bool operator < (const node &u) const{
if(c != u.c) return c < u.c;
return b > u.b;
}data[N]; int main(){
n = read(), ka = read(), kb = read();
for(int i = ; i<= n; i++){
data[i].a = read(), data[i].b = read();
data[i].c = data[i].a * data[i].b;
sort(data + , data + n + );
fa = ka;
ans = ;
bign tmpa, t;
for(int i = ; i <= n; i++){
tmpa = data[i].a;
t = fa / data[i].b;
if(t > ans) ans = t;
fa = fa * tmpa;
return ;

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