





1. NexT主题配置文件详解



# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# 主题核心配置
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
override: false # 设置为true,则完全重载默认配置,当你完全不想继承主题配置时很有用 # ---------------------------------------------------------------
# 站点信息设置
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
favicon: # favicon升级了,细化各种规格。
small: /images/favicon-16x16-next.png
medium: /images/favicon-32x32-next.png # medium类型应用`/favicon.ico`,否则网站图标异常
apple_touch_icon: /images/apple-touch-icon-next.png
safari_pinned_tab: /images/logo.svg
#android_manifest: /images/manifest.json
#ms_browserconfig: /images/browserconfig.xml keywords: "Hexo, NexT" # 网站默认关键词
rss: # rss配置。false禁止;留空提供站点提供的;也可以自己指定 footer: # footer块配置
#since: 2015 # 网站建站年份,如果不配,采用当前年份
icon: user # 年份和版权声明之间的图标
copyright: # 版权声明。如为空,则取站点配置的`author`值。
powered: true # 显示Hexo的链接(Power by Hexo)
theme: # 在footer块中显示主题信息
enable: true # 显示主题信息
version: true # 显示主题的版本。
# 可以采用下面定制的文本
#custom_text: Hosted by <a target="_blank" href="https://pages.github.com">GitHub Pages</a> # ---------------------------------------------------------------
# SEO设置
# --------------------------------------------------------------- # 标记为权威网站,有利于SEO搜索。如果打开该标签,务必在站点配置中设置url。
canonical: true
seo: false # 如果index_with_subtitle为true,则在主页标题中增加subtitle。
# subtitle: Subtitle # 此处也可以覆写,它会替代站点配置文件中的内容
index_with_subtitle: false # ---------------------------------------------------------------
# 菜单设置
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# 用法: `Key: /link/ || icon`
# Key 菜单名,如果语言文件中有对应项,则用对应项,否则就用菜单名。
# `||` 前面部分,表示目标链接。
# `||` 后面部分,表示菜单的FontAwesome图标名。默认为question图标。
home: / || home # 主页链接及其图标
#about: /about/ || user # 关于页链接及其图标
#tags: /tags/ || tags # 标签页链接及其图标
#categories: /categories/ || th # 分类页链接及其图标
archives: /archives/ || archive # 归档页及其图标
#schedule: /schedule/ || calendar
#sitemap: /sitemap.xml || sitemap
#commonweal: /404/ || heartbeat
enable: true # 是否启用图标 # ---------------------------------------------------------------
# 主题的主题设置
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# 只能选择一套。
# Schemes
scheme: Muse
#scheme: Mist
#scheme: Pisces
#scheme: Gemini # ---------------------------------------------------------------
# 侧边栏设置
# --------------------------------------------------------------- # 社交链接
# 用法: `Key: permalink || icon`
# Key 是最终显示的标签,`||` 前是永久链接,`||` 后面是标签的FontAwesome图标,默认glob
#GitHub: https://github.com/yourname || github
#E-Mail: mailto:yourname@gmail.com || envelope
#Google: https://plus.google.com/yourname || google
#Twitter: https://twitter.com/yourname || twitter
#FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/yourname || facebook
#VK Group: https://vk.com/yourname || vk
#StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/yourname || stack-overflow
#YouTube: https://youtube.com/yourname || youtube
#Instagram: https://instagram.com/yourname || instagram
#Skype: skype:yourname?call|chat || skype social_icons:
enable: true # 是否在社交链接标签上显示图标
icons_only: false # 只显示图标
transition: false # 是否显示过渡效果 # 友情链接
links_icon: link # 链接图标
links_title: Links # 链接标签文字
links_layout: block # 链接样式
#links_layout: inline
#links: # 一个一个的友情链接。用法为`标题: 链接`
#Title: http://example.com/ # Sidebar Avatar # 侧边栏上个人头像图片。也支持是动态gif。
#avatar: /images/avatar.gif # 在侧边栏中是否显示文章标题目录。
enable: true # 是否
number: true # 是否自动编号
wrap: false # 标题目录是否自动换行 # 创作声明
# http://creativecommons.org/
# Available: by | by-nc | by-nc-nd | by-nc-sa | by-nd | by-sa | zero
#creative_commons: by-nc-sa
#creative_commons: sidebar:
# 侧边栏位置: left | right (只有Pisces、Gemini有效).
position: left
#position: right # 侧边栏显示 (只对Muse、Mist有效)
display: post # 默认,在post文章扩展时显示。
#display: always # 对所有页面都显示
#display: hide # 只有点击按钮显示
#display: remove # 完全删除,不显示 # 侧边栏距离顶部菜单条的距离,单位像素(只对Pisces、Gemini有效).
offset: 12
b2t: false # 在侧边栏下方是否显示回到顶部(只对Pisces、Gemini有效).
scrollpercent: false # 是否显示滚动百分比
onmobile: false # 是否在窄屏设备上显示侧边栏 (只对 Muse | Mist有效). # ---------------------------------------------------------------
# 文章设置(post类型)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
scroll_to_more: true # 自动折叠<!--more-->下面的正文部分
save_scroll: false # 自动为每篇文章保存滚动位置 # Automatically excerpt description in homepage as preamble text.
excerpt_description: true # 自动摘要,不建议。请使用<!-- more -->精确控制
enable: false # 启动开关
length: 150 # 从开始往后选取的摘要文字数量。 # 摘要元数据
item_text: true # 是否显示“发表于”这几个文字
created_at: true # 文章创建日期
updated_at: false # 文章修改日期
categories: true # 文章所属分类 post_wordcount: # 字数统计。依赖https://github.com/willin/hexo-wordcount
item_text: true # 是否显示文字
wordcount: false # 显示字数
min2read: false # 显示阅读时间
totalcount: false # 显示总数
separated_meta: true # 是否分开 #wechat_subscriber: # 微信公众号订阅
#enabled: true # 是否启用
#qcode: # 二维码图片链接
#description: # 描述性文字,会放在二维码上方 # 打赏
#reward_comment: # 打赏文字
#wechatpay: /images/wechatpay.jpg # 微信打赏二维码
#alipay: /images/alipay.jpg # 支付宝打赏二维码
#bitcoin: /images/bitcoin.png # 比特币打赏二维码 post_copyright:
enable: false # 文档许可声明
license: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 # 文档声明协议
license_url: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ # ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Misc 主题专用设置
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Reduce padding / margin indents on devices with narrow width.
mobile_layout_economy: false # Android Chrome header panel color ($black-deep).
android_chrome_color: "#222" # 定制Logo,只对默认Muse有效。
# Options:
# enabled: [true/false] - # 是否启用
# image: url-of-image - # 图片url
enabled: false
image: # 代码高亮主题。可选值normal | night | night eighties | night blue | night bright
highlight_theme: normal # ---------------------------------------------------------------
# 字体设置儿
# - 请从谷歌查找字体
# - 所有字体必须具有下列样式
# light, light italic, normal, normal italic, bold, bold italic
enable: false # 是否启用
host: # 字体host地址
# Font options: # 字体选项
# `external: true` # true,则会从上面的host地址装载
# `family: Times New Roman`.
# `size: xx`. 单位是`px`. # 在<body>元素中设置全局字体
external: true
family: Lato
size: # 标题(h1~h6字体,有global字体设置托底)
external: true
size: # post文章字体,有global字体设置托底
external: true
family: # logo字体设置,有global字体设置托底
external: true
size: # 代码块字体
external: true
size: # ---------------------------------------------------------------
# 第三方服务设置
# --------------------------------------------------------------- # MathJax数学公式设置
enable: false
per_page: false
cdn: //cdn.bootcss.com/mathjax/2.7.1/latest.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML # Han Support docs: https://hanzi.pro/
han: false # Swiftype Search API Key
#swiftype_key: #baidu_analytics: # 百度分析的id
#duoshuo_shortname: # 多说的shorname # Disqus Disqus评论支持
enable: false
count: true # Hypercomments
#hypercomments_id: # 畅言
enable: false
appkey: # 韩国来必力网站评论系统.https://valine.js.org
enable: false
appid: # your leancloud application appid
appkey: # your leancloud application appkey
notify: false # mail notifier , https://github.com/xCss/Valine/wiki
verify: false # Verification code
placeholder: Just go go # comment box placeholder
avatar: mm # gravatar style
guest_info: nick,mail,link # custom comment header
pageSize: 10 # pagination size # 友言评论
#youyan_uid: your uid # LiveRe评论系统。从https://livere.com/insight/myCode获取uid
#livere_uid: your uid # Gitment评论系统。https://imsun.net/posts/gitment-introduction/
# You can get your Github ID from https://api.github.com/users/<Github username>
enable: false
mint: true # RECOMMEND, A mint on Gitment, to support count, language and proxy_gateway
count: true # Show comments count in post meta area
lazy: false # Comments lazy loading with a button
cleanly: false # Hide 'Powered by ...' on footer, and more
language: # Force language, or auto switch by theme
github_user: # MUST HAVE, Your Github ID
github_repo: # MUST HAVE, The repo you use to store Gitment comments
client_id: # MUST HAVE, Github client id for the Gitment
client_secret: # EITHER this or proxy_gateway, Github access secret token for the Gitment
proxy_gateway: # Address of api proxy, See: https://github.com/aimingoo/intersect
redirect_protocol: # Protocol of redirect_uri with force_redirect_protocol when mint enabled # Baidu Share
# Available value:
# button | slide
# Warning: Baidu Share does not support https.
## type: button # Share
# This plugin is more useful in China, make sure you known how to use it.
# And you can find the use guide at official webiste: http://www.jiathis.com/.
# Warning: JiaThis does not support https.
##uid: Get this uid from http://www.jiathis.com/
#add_this_id: # Share
#duoshuo_share: true # NeedMoreShare2
# This plugin is a pure javascript sharing lib which is useful in China.
# See: https://github.com/revir/need-more-share2
# Also see: https://github.com/DzmVasileusky/needShareButton
# iconStyle: default | box
# boxForm: horizontal | vertical
# position: top / middle / bottom + Left / Center / Right
# networks: Weibo,Wechat,Douban,QQZone,Twitter,Linkedin,Mailto,Reddit,
# Delicious,StumbleUpon,Pinterest,Facebook,GooglePlus,Slashdot,
# Technorati,Posterous,Tumblr,GoogleBookmarks,Newsvine,
# Evernote,Friendfeed,Vkontakte,Odnoklassniki,Mailru
enable: false
enable: false
iconStyle: box
boxForm: horizontal
position: bottomCenter
networks: Weibo,Wechat,Douban,QQZone,Twitter,Facebook
enable: false
iconStyle: box
boxForm: horizontal
position: middleRight
networks: Weibo,Wechat,Douban,QQZone,Twitter,Facebook # Google Webmaster tools verification setting
# See: https://www.google.com/webmasters/
#google_site_verification: # Google Analytics
#google_analytics: # Bing Webmaster tools verification setting
# See: https://www.bing.com/webmaster/
#bing_site_verification: # Yandex Webmaster tools verification setting
# See: https://webmaster.yandex.ru/
#yandex_site_verification: # CNZZ count
#cnzz_siteid: # Application Insights
# See https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/application-insights/
# application_insights: # Make duoshuo show UA
# user_id must NOT be null when admin_enable is true!
# you can visit http://dev.duoshuo.com get duoshuo user id.
ua_enable: true
admin_enable: false
user_id: 0
#admin_nickname: Author # Post widgets & FB/VK comments settings.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Facebook SDK Support.
# https://github.com/iissnan/hexo-theme-next/pull/410
enable: false
app_id: #<app_id>
fb_admin: #<user_id>
like_button: #true
webmaster: #true # Facebook comments plugin
# This plugin depends on Facebook SDK.
# If facebook_sdk.enable is false, Facebook comments plugin is unavailable.
enable: false
num_of_posts: 10 # min posts num is 1
width: 100% # default width is 550px
scheme: light # default scheme is light (light or dark) # VKontakte API Support.
# To get your AppID visit https://vk.com/editapp?act=create
enable: false
app_id: #<app_id>
like: true
comments: true
num_of_posts: 10 # Star rating support to each article.
# To get your ID visit https://widgetpack.com
enable: false
id: #<app_id>
color: fc6423
# --------------------------------------------------------------- # Show number of visitors to each article.
# You can visit https://leancloud.cn get AppID and AppKey.
enable: false
app_id: #<app_id>
app_key: #<app_key> # Another tool to show number of visitors to each article.
# visit https://console.firebase.google.com/u/0/ to get apiKey and projectId
# visit https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/ to get more information about firestore
enable: false
collection: articles #required, a string collection name to access firestore database
apiKey: #required
projectId: #required
bluebird: false #enable this if you want to include bluebird 3.5.1(core version) Promise polyfill # Show PV/UV of the website/page with busuanzi.
# Get more information on http://ibruce.info/2015/04/04/busuanzi/
# count values only if the other configs are false
enable: false
# custom uv span for the whole site
site_uv: true
site_uv_header: <i class="fa fa-user"></i>
# custom pv span for the whole site
site_pv: true
site_pv_header: <i class="fa fa-eye"></i>
# custom pv span for one page only
page_pv: true
page_pv_header: <i class="fa fa-file-o"></i>
page_pv_footer: # Tencent analytics ID
# tencent_analytics: # Tencent MTA ID
# tencent_mta: # Enable baidu push so that the blog will push the url to baidu automatically which is very helpful for SEO
baidu_push: false # Google Calendar
# Share your recent schedule to others via calendar page
# API Documentation:
# https://developers.google.com/google-apps/calendar/v3/reference/events/list
enable: false
calendar_id: <required>
api_key: <required>
orderBy: startTime
offsetMax: 24
offsetMin: 4
showDeleted: false
singleEvents: true
maxResults: 250 # Algolia Search
enable: false
per_page: 10
input_placeholder: Search for Posts
hits_empty: "We didn't find any results for the search: ${query}"
hits_stats: "${hits} results found in ${time} ms" # Local search
# Dependencies: https://github.com/flashlab/hexo-generator-search
enable: false
# if auto, trigger search by changing input
# if manual, trigger search by pressing enter key or search button
trigger: auto
# show top n results per article, show all results by setting to -1
top_n_per_article: 1 # ---------------------------------------------------------------
# 标签设置
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# 对外链采用BASE64进行加密解密
# 用法: {% exturl text url "title" %}
# 别名: {% extlink text url "title" %}
exturl: false # 是否对外链进行加密解密 # Note tag (bs-callout).
# Note tag style values:
# - simple bs-callout old alert style. Default.
# - modern bs-callout new (v2-v3) alert style.
# - flat flat callout style with background, like on Mozilla or StackOverflow.
# - disabled disable all CSS styles import of note tag.
style: simple
icons: false
border_radius: 3
# Offset lighter of background in % for modern and flat styles (modern: -12 | 12; flat: -18 | 6).
# Offset also applied to label tag variables. This option can work with disabled note tag.
light_bg_offset: 0 # Label tag.
label: true # Tabs tag.
enable: true
tabs: false
labels: true
border_radius: 0 #! ---------------------------------------------------------------
#! 下面慎重修改,除非你指定它的意义
#! --------------------------------------------------------------- # Use velocity to animate everything.
enable: true
async: false
# Transition variants:
# fadeIn | fadeOut | flipXIn | flipXOut | flipYIn | flipYOut | flipBounceXIn | flipBounceXOut | flipBounceYIn | flipBounceYOut
# swoopIn | swoopOut | whirlIn | whirlOut | shrinkIn | shrinkOut | expandIn | expandOut
# bounceIn | bounceOut | bounceUpIn | bounceUpOut | bounceDownIn | bounceDownOut | bounceLeftIn | bounceLeftOut | bounceRightIn | bounceRightOut
# slideUpIn | slideUpOut | slideDownIn | slideDownOut | slideLeftIn | slideLeftOut | slideRightIn | slideRightOut
# slideUpBigIn | slideUpBigOut | slideDownBigIn | slideDownBigOut | slideLeftBigIn | slideLeftBigOut | slideRightBigIn | slideRightBigOut
# perspectiveUpIn | perspectiveUpOut | perspectiveDownIn | perspectiveDownOut | perspectiveLeftIn | perspectiveLeftOut | perspectiveRightIn | perspectiveRightOut
post_block: fadeIn
post_header: slideDownIn
post_body: slideDownIn
coll_header: slideLeftIn
# Only for Pisces | Gemini.
sidebar: slideUpIn # Fancybox
fancybox: true # Progress bar in the top during page loading.
pace: false
# Themes list:
# For example
# pace_theme: pace-theme-center-simple
pace_theme: pace-theme-minimal # Canvas-nest
canvas_nest: false # three_waves
three_waves: false # canvas_lines
canvas_lines: false # canvas_sphere
canvas_sphere: false # Only fit scheme Pisces
# Canvas-ribbon
# size: The width of the ribbon.
# alpha: The transparency of the ribbon.
# zIndex: The display level of the ribbon.
enable: false
size: 300
alpha: 0.6
zIndex: -1 # 脚本提供者设置。
# 为js文件指定CDN,加快加载速度
# 注意,CDN版本一致。如果CDN提供https,无别加上https协议。
_internal: lib # 本网站提供脚本的路径,不要轻易修改。 jquery: https://cdn.bootcss.com/jquery/2.1.3/jquery.min.js # 内部版本2.1.3。CDN版本应一致 fancybox: # 内部版本2.1.5。
fastclick: # 内部版本1.0.6。
lazyload: # 内部版本1.9.7。
velocity: # 内部版本1.2.1。
velocity_ui: # 内部版本1.2.1。
ua_parser: # 内部版本0.7.9。
fontawesome: # 内部版本4.6.2
algolia_instant_js: fontawesome: # 内部版本 1
pace: # 内部版本 1.0.2。
canvas_nest: # 内部版本 1.0.0
three: # 3D脚本库,未指定内部版本
three_waves: # 未指定内部版本
canvas_lines: # 未指定内部版本
canvas_sphere: # 未指定内部版本
canvas_ribbon: # 内部版本 1.0.0
han: # 内部版本 3.3.0
needMoreShare2: # 未指定内部版本 # 资源种类
css: css
js: js
images: images # Theme version
version: 5.1.4


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    #!/usr/local/bin/python3 #coding=utf-8 ''' Created on 2011-2-25 @author: http://www.cnblogs.com/txw1 ...

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    自己定义映射文件 这里的映射文件指的是相应到数据库表的xml 的定义文件. 相应的每一个数据库表栏位, 能够定义的属性有: 属性名 类型 Description length number 栏位的长度 ...

  9. WPF中StringFormat的用法

    原文:WPF中StringFormat的用法 WPF中StringFormat的用法可以参照C#中string.Format的用法 1. C#中用法: 格式化货币(跟系统的环境有关,中文系统默认格式化 ...

  10. 【C#/WPF】调节图像的HSL(色相、饱和度、明亮度)

    原文:[C#/WPF]调节图像的HSL(色相.饱和度.明亮度) 先说概念: HSL是一种描述颜色的方式(其他颜色描述方式还有大家熟悉的RGB值).HSL三个字母分别表示图像的Hue色相.Saturat ...