Behavioral thingsare the dynamic parts of UML models. These are the verbs of a model, representing
behavior over time and space. In all, there are three primary kinds of behavioral things.


First, aninteraction
is a behavior that comprises a set of messages exchanged among a set of objects or roles within a particular context to accomplish a specific purpose. The behavior of a society of objects or of an individual operation may be specified with an interaction.
An interaction involves a number of other elements, including messages, actions, and connectors (the connection between objects). Graphically, a message is rendered as a directed line, almost always including the name of its operation.


Second, astate machineis
a behavior that specifies the sequences of states an object or an interaction goes through during its lifetime in response to events, together with its responses to those events. The behavior of an individual class or a collaboration of classes may be specified
with a state machine. A state machine involves a number of other elements, including states, transitions (the flow from state to state), events (things that trigger a transition), and activities (the response to a transition). Graphically, state is rendered
as a rounded rectangle, usually including its name and its substates, if any.


Third, an activity is a behavior that specifies the sequence of steps a computational process performs. In an interaction, the focus is on the set of objects that interact. In a
state machine, the focus is on the life cycle of one object at a time. In an activity, the focus is on the flows among steps without regard to which object performs each step. A step of an activity is called anaction.
Graphically, an action is rendered as a rounded rectangle with a name indicating its purpose. States and actions are distinguished by their different contexts.


These three elements -- interactions, state machines, and activities -- are the basic behavioral things that you may include in a UML model. Semantically, these elements are usually
connected to various structural elements, primarily classes, collaborations, and objects.



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