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下为一例。。 该例使用温度传感器的格式演示fake日志数据源。
传感器 - 样例类
:x1package sr
6case class SensorReads(id:String,
传感器 - 数据源模拟
:461package sr
3import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.functions.source.SourceFunction
4import scala.util.Random
7* period, is 4096 millis.
9case class SnsorSrc_4096T extends SourceFunction[SensorReads] {
1011var isInRunning: Boolean = true
14override def run(sourceContext: SourceFunction.SourceContext[
15SensorReads]): Unit = {
161718val rand: Random = new Random
1920var tptNow4 =
21(1 to 4).map(
22"snsor_" + _.toString -> (23 + 16 * rand.nextGaussian))
242526while (isInRunning) {
27tptNow4 = tptNow4.map(
28t => t._1 -> (t._2 + rand.nextGaussian))
293031val timeStampNow: Long = System.currentTimeMillis
34t =>
35sourceContext.collect( // O.U.T
36SensorReads(t._1, timeStampNow, t._2) )
37Thread.sleep(512) }
38//not set, is stm
3940Thread.sleep(2048) }
4344override def cancel(): Unit = isInRunning = false
package applis
import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.scala._
import sr._
object SnsrSrcAappli extends App{
val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
env.addSource(SnsorSrc_4096T() )
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.flink.api.scala.ClosureCleaner$).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
log4j:WARN See http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/faq.html#noconfig for more info.
aaa:3> SensorReads(snsor_1,1573556705508,30.383394411578916)
aaa:4> SensorReads(snsor_2,1573556705508,21.397405872448672)
aaa:5> SensorReads(snsor_3,1573556705508,20.598086139457727)
aaa:6> SensorReads(snsor_4,1573556705508,18.30066983735531)
aaa:7> SensorReads(snsor_1,1573556709627,30.120955223032546)
aaa:8> SensorReads(snsor_2,1573556709627,22.38746867201145)
aaa:1> SensorReads(snsor_3,1573556709627,20.45357507067989)
aaa:2> SensorReads(snsor_4,1573556709627,17.18467261133715)
aaa:3> SensorReads(snsor_1,1573556713729,31.686487593592904)
aaa:4> SensorReads(snsor_2,1573556713729,20.67106361911623)
aaa:5> SensorReads(snsor_3,1573556713729,21.27724215221553)
aaa:6> SensorReads(snsor_4,1573556713729,16.84273306583804)
Process finished with exit code -1
t =>
sourceContext.collect( // O.U.T
SensorReads(t._1, System.currentTimeMillis, t._2) )
Thread.sleep(512) }
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.flink.api.scala.ClosureCleaner$).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
log4j:WARN See http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/faq.html#noconfig for more info.
aaa:5> SensorReads(snsor_1,1573561932216,20.427373784204445)
aaa:6> SensorReads(snsor_2,1573561932739,19.043151948599565)
aaa:7> SensorReads(snsor_3,1573561933251,16.506314894849734)
aaa:8> SensorReads(snsor_4,1573561933764,42.18791135873409)
aaa:1> SensorReads(snsor_1,1573561936326,20.216273863226476)
aaa:2> SensorReads(snsor_2,1573561936838,19.77488458362011)
aaa:3> SensorReads(snsor_3,1573561937351,17.49661332626548)
aaa:4> SensorReads(snsor_4,1573561937864,42.37076203420432)
aaa:5> SensorReads(snsor_1,1573561940425,19.582646754534526)
aaa:6> SensorReads(snsor_2,1573561940938,18.148182987020572)
aaa:7> SensorReads(snsor_3,1573561941451,17.028248074961432)
aaa:8> SensorReads(snsor_4,1573561941963,42.969281620777075)
aaa:1> SensorReads(snsor_1,1573561944525,20.659855873131406)
aaa:2> SensorReads(snsor_2,1573561945038,19.437515708059177)
aaa:3> SensorReads(snsor_3,1573561945550,18.336847248220565)
aaa:4> SensorReads(snsor_4,1573561946063,43.58727112744526)
aaa:5> SensorReads(snsor_1,1573561948625,19.317498008380674)
aaa:6> SensorReads(snsor_2,1573561949137,21.86602577501872)
aaa:7> SensorReads(snsor_3,1573561949650,19.109322091177216)
aaa:8> SensorReads(snsor_4,1573561950163,43.48043890977487)
Process finished with exit code -1
这样一来事件时间就都不一样了。 可根据需要模拟的情况改动....
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