if object_id('[P_GetPriceTableBuy]','P') is not null
drop procedure P_GetPriceTableBuy
GO -- =============================================
-- Author: <Author,,Name>
-- Create date: <Create Date,,>
-- Description: <Description,,>
-- =============================================
create PROCEDURE [dbo].[P_GetPriceTableBuy]
@type nvarchar(),
@productId int=,
@ids nvarchar()='',
@keyword nvarchar()='',
@pageIndex int=,
@pageSize int= AS
BEGIN declare @id9 int ,@id10 int;
set @id9=
set @id10= --采购二维码表页面展示
if @type='GetPriceTableBuy'
declare @sqlcount nvarchar(max);
declare @psels nvarchar(max);
declare @pcols nvarchar(max);
set @psels=cast((select
',max(case t6.Name when '''+Name+''' then t4.ProductPropertyValueId else '''' end) as ['+Name+'ID],max(case t6.Name when '''+Name+''' then t4.Value else '''' end) as ['+Name+']'
from [ProductProperty] where ProductCatalogId= and ProductPropertyId not in(@id9,@id10) for xml path('')) as nvarchar(max))
set @pcols=cast((select ',['+name+'ID],['+name+']' from [ProductProperty] where ProductCatalogId= and ProductPropertyId not in(@id9,@id10) for xml path('')) as nvarchar(max))
select Name from [ProductProperty] where ProductCatalogId= and ProductPropertyId not in(@id9,@id10) set @sqlcount=N' ;with cte as (
select ProductBrand_Name,Product_Name,ProductId
from (select t2.ProductId,t2.Code,t2.Name as Product_Name,t1.BarCode,t2.ProductBrandId,
t5.Name as ProductBrand_Name
from [ProductSku] as t1
join [Product] t2 on t1.ProductId=t2.ProductId
join [ProductSkuProperty] t3 on t1.ProductSkuId=t3.ProductSkuId
join [ProductPropertyValue] t4 on t3.ProductPropertyValueId=t4.ProductPropertyValueId
join dbo.ProductBrand t5 on t2.ProductBrandId=t5.ProductBrandId
join dbo.ProductProperty t6 on t4.ProductPropertyId=t6.ProductPropertyId
where t1.[Status]= and t2.ProductCatalogId= and (t5.Name like ''%'+@keyword+'%'' or t2.Name like ''%'+@keyword+'%'')
group by t2.ProductId,t2.Name,t1.BarCode,t2.ProductBrandId,t5.Name,t2.Code) as a
group by ProductBrand_Name,Product_Name,ProductId'+@pcols+'
), c as
select ProductBrand_Name,Product_Name'+@pcols+',ProductId,row_number() over(order by ProductId) as num
from cte
select * from c where num between (@pageIndex-)*@pageSize+ and @pageIndex*@pageSize
union all
select top '''','''' '+@pcols+N',, count(*) over()from cte
--print(@sqlcount); exec sp_executesql @sqlcount,N'@pageIndex int, @pageSize int',@pageIndex,@pageSize;
end --采购二维码详情
if @type='UpdaPriceTableBuy'
declare @sql nvarchar(max);
declare @sql2 nvarchar(max);
declare @sqlcou nvarchar(max)=N''; declare @psels1 nvarchar(max);
declare @pcols1 nvarchar(max);
declare @where1 nvarchar(max);
declare @w1 nvarchar(max); set @psels1=cast((select N',max(case t6.Name when '''+Name+N''' then t4.ProductPropertyValueId else 0 end) as ['+Name+'Id],max(case t6.Name when'''+Name+'''then t4.Value else '''' end) as ['+Name+']'
from [ProductProperty] where ProductCatalogId= and ProductPropertyId not in(@id9,@id10) for xml path('')) as nvarchar(max)) set @pcols1=cast((select N',['+name+N'Id],['+Name+N']'
from [ProductProperty] where ProductCatalogId= and ProductPropertyId not in(@id9,@id10) for xml path('')) as nvarchar(max)) set @where1=N'
set @w1=cast((select '' and a.[''+[name]+''Id]=''+cast(b.ProductPropertyValueId as nvarchar()) from [ProductProperty] a join ProductPropertyValue b on a.ProductPropertyId=b.ProductPropertyId
where ProductCatalogId= and a.ProductPropertyId not in(@id9,@id10)
and b.ProductPropertyValueId in ('+@ids+')
for xml path('''')) as nvarchar(max))
exec sp_executesql @where1,N'@id9 int,@id10 int,@w1 nvarchar(max) output',@id9,@id10,@w1 output; set @sql= cast((select N',max(case when bValue='''+Value+N''' then ptb.BuyPrice else 0 end) as ['+value+N']' from ProductPropertyValue where ProductPropertyId=@id10 order by ProductPropertyValueId for xml path('')) as nvarchar(max)); set @sql2= cast((select N',max(case when bValue='''+Value+N''' then a2.ProductSkuId else 0 end) as ['+value+N'id]' from ProductPropertyValue where ProductPropertyId=@id10 order by ProductPropertyValueId for xml path('')) as nvarchar(max)); set @sqlcou+=N';with a1 as (
select a.ProductPropertyValueId as avid,a.Value as aValue,b.ProductPropertyValueId as bvid,b.Value as bValue
from ProductPropertyValue a cross join ProductPropertyValue b where a.ProductPropertyId =@id9 and b.ProductPropertyId=@id10
),a2 as (
select ProductSkuId,ProductId,Code,Product_Name,ProductBrandId,ProductBrand_Name
from (select t1.ProductSkuId,t2.ProductId,t2.Name as Product_Name,t1.BarCode,t2.Code,t2.ProductBrandId,
t5.Name as ProductBrand_Name
,MAX(case t6.Name when ''球镜'' then t4.ProductPropertyValueId else end)sphereid,
MAX(case t6.Name when ''球镜'' then t4.Value else '''' end)sphere,
MAX(case t6.Name when ''柱镜'' then t4.ProductPropertyValueId else end)lenticularid,
MAX(case t6.Name when ''柱镜'' then t4.Value else '''' end)lenticular
from [dbo].[ProductSku] as t1
join [Product] t2 on t1.ProductId=t2.ProductId
join [ProductSkuProperty] t3 on t1.ProductSkuId=t3.ProductSkuId
join [ProductPropertyValue] t4 on t3.ProductPropertyValueId=t4.ProductPropertyValueId
join dbo.ProductBrand t5 on t2.ProductBrandId=t5.ProductBrandId
join dbo.ProductProperty t6 on t4.ProductPropertyId=t6.ProductPropertyId
where t2.ProductCatalogId= and t1.ProductId=@pId
group by t2.ProductId,t2.Name,t1.BarCode,t2.ProductBrandId,t5.Name,t2.Code,t1.ProductSkuId) as a
where = '+@w1+N'
group by ProductSkuId,ProductId,Code,ProductBrandId,ProductBrand_Name,Product_Name
select a1.aValue'+@sql+N'
from a1
left join a2 on a1.avid=a2.sphereid and a1.bvid=a2.lenticularid
left join PriceTableBuy ptb on a2.ProductSkuId=ptb.ProductSkuId
group by a1.avid,a1.aValue
order by a1.avid'; exec sp_executesql @sqlcou,N'@id9 int,@id10 int,@pId int',@id9,@id10,@productId
end END



;with cte as (
select ProductBrand_Name,Product_Name,ProductId
from (select t2.ProductId,t2.Code,t2.Name as Product_Name,t1.BarCode,t2.ProductBrandId,
t5.Name as ProductBrand_Name
,max(case t6.Name when '材料' then t4.ProductPropertyValueId else '' end) as [材料ID],max(case t6.Name when '材料' then t4.Value else '' end) as [材料],max(case t6.Name when '折射率' then t4.ProductPropertyValueId else '' end) as [折射率ID],max(case t6.Name when '折射率' then t4.Value else '' end) as [折射率],max(case t6.Name when '曲率设计' then t4.ProductPropertyValueId else '' end) as [曲率设计ID],max(case t6.Name when '曲率设计' then t4.Value else '' end) as [曲率设计],max(case t6.Name when '阿贝数' then t4.ProductPropertyValueId else '' end) as [阿贝数ID],max(case t6.Name when '阿贝数' then t4.Value else '' end) as [阿贝数],max(case t6.Name when '加膜' then t4.ProductPropertyValueId else '' end) as [加膜ID],max(case t6.Name when '加膜' then t4.Value else '' end) as [加膜],max(case t6.Name when '类型' then t4.ProductPropertyValueId else '' end) as [类型ID],max(case t6.Name when '类型' then t4.Value else '' end) as [类型],max(case t6.Name when '定制' then t4.ProductPropertyValueId else '' end) as [定制ID],max(case t6.Name when '定制' then t4.Value else '' end) as [定制],max(case t6.Name when '年龄' then t4.ProductPropertyValueId else '' end) as [年龄ID],max(case t6.Name when '年龄' then t4.Value else '' end) as [年龄]
from [ProductSku] as t1
join [Product] t2 on t1.ProductId=t2.ProductId
join [ProductSkuProperty] t3 on t1.ProductSkuId=t3.ProductSkuId
join [ProductPropertyValue] t4 on t3.ProductPropertyValueId=t4.ProductPropertyValueId
join dbo.ProductBrand t5 on t2.ProductBrandId=t5.ProductBrandId
join dbo.ProductProperty t6 on t4.ProductPropertyId=t6.ProductPropertyId
where t1.[Status]= and t2.ProductCatalogId= and (t5.Name like '%%' or t2.Name like '%%')
group by t2.ProductId,t2.Name,t1.BarCode,t2.ProductBrandId,t5.Name,t2.Code) as a
group by ProductBrand_Name,Product_Name,ProductId,[材料ID],[材料],[折射率ID],[折射率],[曲率设计ID],[曲率设计],[阿贝数ID],[阿贝数],[加膜ID],[加膜],[类型ID],[类型],[定制ID],[定制],[年龄ID],[年龄]
), c as
select ProductBrand_Name,Product_Name,[材料ID],[材料],[折射率ID],[折射率],[曲率设计ID],[曲率设计],[阿贝数ID],[阿贝数],[加膜ID],[加膜],[类型ID],[类型],[定制ID],[定制],[年龄ID],[年龄],ProductId,row_number() over(order by ProductId) as num
from cte
select * from c where num between (@pageIndex-)*@pageSize+ and @pageIndex*@pageSize
union all
select top '','' ,[材料ID],[材料],[折射率ID],[折射率],[曲率设计ID],[曲率设计],[阿贝数ID],[阿贝数],[加膜ID],[加膜],[类型ID],[类型],[定制ID],[定制],[年龄ID],[年龄],, count(*) over()from cte

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