




#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int n, m, k;

struct line
    int x,y,c;

bool cmp(line a, line b)
    return a.c < b.c;

int find(int x)
    int r = x;
    while (father[r] != r)r = father[r];
    int i = x, j;
    while (father[i] != r)
        j = father[i];
        father[i] = r;
        i = j;
    return r;

void kruskal()
    int i, j;
    sort(edge, edge + k, cmp);
    ; i <= k; i++)        //按从小到大的顺序将所有不会构成环的边加入当前边集
        int f1 = find(edge[i].x);
        int f2 = find(edge[i].y);
        if (f1 != f2)
            father[f2] = f1;
            sum += edge[i].c;
    printf("%lld\n", sum);

int main()
    char str1, str2;
        k = ;
        memset(edge, , sizeof(edge));                //记得每次都要清空bian数组
        ; i < n; i++)
            scanf("%c%d", &str1, &m);
            ; j <= m; j++)
                scanf("%c%d", &str2, &a2);
                edge[k].x = str1 - ; //第一个村庄的编号从1开始
                edge[k].y = str2 - ;
                edge[k].c = a2;
        ; i <= n; i++)       //初始化father数组
            father[i] = i;



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