Type of 'this' pointer in C++
In C++, this pointer is passed as a hidden argument to all non-static member function calls. The type of this depends upon function declaration. If the member function of a class X is declared const, the type of this is const X* (see code 1 below), if the member function is declared volatile, the type of this is volatile X* (see code 2 below), and if the member function is declared const volatile, the type of this is const volatile X* (see code 3 below).
Code 1
- 1 #include<iostream>
- 2 class X
- 3 {
- 4 void fun() const
- 5 {
- 6 // this is passed as hidden argument to fun().
- 7 // Type of this is const X*
- 8 }
- 9 };
Code 2
- 1 #include<iostream>
- 2 class X
- 3 {
- 4 void fun() volatile
- 5 {
- 6 // this is passed as hidden argument to fun().
- 7 // Type of this is volatile X*
- 8 }
- 9 };
Code 3
- 1 #include<iostream>
- 2 class X
- 3 {
- 4 void fun() const volatile
- 5 {
- 6 // this is passed as hidden argument to fun().
- 7 // Type of this is const volatile X*
- 8 }
- 9 };
(1)In an ordinary nonconst member function, the type of this is a const pointer to the class type. We may change the value to which this points but cannot change the address that this holds. In a const member function, the type of this is a const pointer to a const class - type object. We may change neither the object to which this points nor the address that this holds.
(2)What is the purpose of a volatile member function in C++?【from stackoverflow】
Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic discussed above.
2013-11-26 09:32:58
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