



参考 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/desktop/winforms/controls/basic-formatting-and-styling-in-the-windows-forms-datagridview-control?view=netframeworkdesktop-4.8


The DataGridView control provides a customizable table for displaying data. The DataGridView class allows customization of cells, rows, columns, and borders through the use of properties such as DefaultCellStyle, ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle, CellBorderStyle, and GridColor. For more information, see Basic Formatting and Styling in the Windows Forms DataGridView Control.

You can use a DataGridView control to display data with or without an underlying data source. Without specifying a data source, you can create columns and rows that contain data and add them directly to the DataGridView using the Rows and Columns properties. You can also use the Rows collection to access DataGridViewRow objects and the DataGridViewRow.Cells property to read or write cell values directly. The Item[] indexer also provides direct access to cells.

As an alternative to populating the control manually, you can set the DataSource and DataMember properties to bind the DataGridView to a data source and automatically populate it with data. For more information, see Displaying Data in the Windows Forms DataGridView Control.

When working with very large amounts of data, you can set the VirtualMode property to true to display a subset of the available data. Virtual mode requires the implementation of a data cache from which the DataGridView control is populated. For more information, see Data Display Modes in the Windows Forms DataGridView Control.

For additional information about the features available in the DataGridView control, see DataGridView Control. The following table provides direct links to common tasks.





/// AI EEPROM Information Class,用于声明一个数据行


public class AIEEPROMInformation


private bool calibration;

private double aigainValue;

private double aioffsetValue;

private double range;

private AICoupling coupling;

private AIImpedance impedance;

private int channel;

        public int Channel
return channel;
channel = value;
} public double Range
return range;
} set
range = value;
} public AICoupling Coupling
return coupling;
} set
coupling = value;
} public AIImpedance Impedance
return impedance;
} set
impedance = value;
} public bool Calibration
return calibration;
} set
calibration = value;
public double AigainValue
return aigainValue;
} set
aigainValue = value;
} public double AioffsetValue
return aioffsetValue;
aioffsetValue = value;


BindingList aiEEPROMList;

    aiEEPROMList = new BindingList<AIEEPROMInformation>();


dataGridView_AIRead.DataSource = aiEEPROMList1;//获取数据源



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