[leetcode72]166. Fraction to Recurring Decimal手动实现除法
long num = (long)numerator;
long den = (long)denominator;
if (den==0)
return "";
if (num%den==0)
return num/den+"";
StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder();
if ((num<0&&den>0)||(num>0&&den<0))
num = Math.abs(num);
den = Math.abs(den);
long temp = num%den;
Map<Long,Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
int sta = res.length();
while (temp!=0)
if (map.containsKey(temp))
temp= (((long)(temp*10))%den);
if (temp==0)
return new String(res);
int left = map.get(temp);
return new String(res);
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