- N:将数据流的下一行加入当前模式空间
- D:删除多行组中的一行
- P:打印多行组中的一行
# cat data1.txt
this is the header line this is the data line this is the last line
# sed '/header/{n;d}' data1.txt
this is the header line
this is the data line this is the last line
# cat data2.txt
This is the header line.
This is the first data line.
This is the second data line.
This is the last line.
# sed '/first/{N;s/\n/ /}' data2.txt
This is the header line.
This is the first data line. This is the second data line.
This is the last line.
# cat data5.txt This is the header line.
This is a data line. This is the last line.
# sed '/^$/{N ; /header/D}' data5.txt
This is the header line.
This is a data line. This is the last line.
# sed -n '/header/{N;P}' data5.txt
This is the header line.
# sed -n '/first/ {h ; p ; n ; p ; g ; p }' data2.txt
This is the first data line.
This is the second data line.
This is the first data line.
# sed -n '/header/p' data2.txt
This is the header line.
# sed -n '/header/!p' data2.txt
This is the first data line.
This is the second data line.
This is the last line.
# sed -n '{1!G ; h ; $p }' data2.txt
This is the last line.
This is the second data line.
This is the first data line.
This is the header line.
# sed '{2,3b ; s/This is/Is this/ ; s/line./test?/}' data2.txt
Is this the header test?
This is the first data line.
This is the second data line.
Is this the last test?
# sed '/first/b jump1 ; s/This is the/No jump on/; :jump1 ; s/This is the/Jump here on/' data2.txt
No jump on header line.
Jump here on first data line.
No jump on second data line.
No jump on last line.
# echo "This, is, a, test, to, remove, commas." | sed -n '{:start;s/,//1p;b start}'
This is, a, test, to, remove, commas.
This is a, test, to, remove, commas.
This is a test, to, remove, commas.
This is a test to, remove, commas.
This is a test to remove, commas.
This is a test to remove commas.
该脚本不会停止循环,可使用/,/b start代替b start,在没有逗号时自动结束循环。
# sed 's/first/matched/; t ; s/This/Here/' data2.txt
Here is the header line.
This is the matched data line.
Here is the second data line.
Here is the last line.
# echo "This,is,a,test,to,remove,commas." | sed -n '{:start ; s/,/ /p ; t start}'
This is,a,test,to,remove,commas.
This is a,test,to,remove,commas.
This is a test,to,remove,commas.
This is a test to,remove,commas.
This is a test to remove,commas.
This is a test to remove commas.
# sed 's/first/matched/; t ;s/This/Here/;s/line/LINE/' data2.txt
Here is the header LINE.
This is the matched data line.
Here is the second data LINE.
Here is the last LINE.
# sed 's/first/matched/; t jump ;s/This/Here/; :jump ;s/line/LINE/' data2.txt
Here is the header LINE.
This is the matched data LINE.
Here is the second data LINE.
Here is the last LINE.
# echo "The cat sleeps in his hat." | sed 's/.at/"&"/g'
The "cat" sleeps in his "hat".
# echo | sed ':start;s/\(.*[0-9]\)\([0-9]\{3\}\)/\1,\2/;t start'
- 第11章:sed进阶操作
第11章:sed进阶操作 sed是一个很好的文件处理工具,本身是一个管道命令,主要是以行为单位进行处理,可以将数据行进行替换.删除.新增.选取等特定工作,下面先了解一下sed的用法 sed命令行格式为 ...
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本章介绍一些sed编辑器提供的高级特性. 21.1 多行命令 按照之前的知识,所有的sed编辑器命令都是针对单行数据执行操作的. 在sed编辑器读取数据流时,它会基于换行符的位置将数据分成行,一次处理 ...
- sed进阶N;P;D
案例 sed 的高级替换 $cat file1 why:1 why:2 3 4 5 why:6 why:7 8 why:9 $cat file2 why:1 why:2 3 4 5 why:6 why ...
- sed进阶教程
寻址规则 常规寻址 如果没有指定地址,那么命令将应用于每一行. 如果只有一个地址,那么命令应用于与这个地址匹配的任意行. 如果指定了由逗号分隔的两个地址,那么命令应用于匹配第一个地址(不包括第一个地址 ...
- sed进阶
下面这些命令未必经常会用到,但当需要时,知道这些肯定是件好事. 一.多行命令 sed命令通常是对一行数据进行处理,然后下一行重复处理. sed编辑器包含了三个可用来处理多行文本的特殊命令 N:将数据流 ...
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一sed的搜索替代 (一)常见的和替代相关的选项 搜索替代,和vim的写法很像 s///:查找替换,支持使用其它分隔符,s@@@,s### p: 显示替换成功的行,就是打印. w /PATH/TO/S ...
- Shell编程—sed进阶
1多行命令 sed编辑器包含了三个可用来处理多行文本的特殊命令. N:将数据流中的下一行加进来创建一个多行组来处理. D:删除多行组中的一行. P:打印多行组中的一行. 1.1next命令 1. 单行 ...
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shell工具之一:sed sed基础 sed编辑器被称作流编辑器,与常见的交互式文本编辑器刚好相反.文本编辑器可以通过键盘来交互式地插入.删除.替换文本中的数据:而流编辑器是基于一组预先的规则来编辑 ...
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