In Unix, what is tar, and how do I use it?
In Unix, the name of the tar
command is short for tape archiving, the storing of entire file systems onto magnetic tape, which is one use for the command. However, a more common use for tar
is to simply combine a few files into a single file, for easy storage and distribution.
To combine multiple files and/or directories into a single file, use the following command:
tar -cvf file.tar inputfile1 inputfile2
Replace inputfile1
and inputfile2
with the files and/or directories you want to combine. You can use any name in place of file.tar
, though you should keep the .tar
extension. If you don't use the f
option, tar
assumes you really do want to create a tape archive instead of joining up a number of files. The v
option tells tar
to be verbose, which reports all files as they are added.
To separate an archive created by tar
into separate files, at the shell prompt, enter:
tar -xvf file.tar
Compressing and uncompressing tar files
Many modern Unix systems, such as Linux, use GNU tar
, a version of tar
produced by the Free Software Foundation. If your system uses GNU tar
, you can easily use gzip
(the GNU file compression program) in conjunction with tar
to create compressed archives. To do this, enter:
tar -cvzf file.tar.gz inputfile1 inputfile2
Here, the z
option tells tar
to zip the archive as it is created. To unzip such a zipped tar file, enter:
tar -xvzf file.tar.gz
Alternatively, if your system does not use GNU tar
, but nonetheless does have gzip
, you can still create a compressed tar file, via the following command:
tar -cvf - inputfile1 inputfile2 | gzip > file.tar.gz
Note: If gzip
isn't available on your system, use the Unix compress
command instead. In the example above, replace gzip
with compress
and change the .gz
extension to .Z
(the compress
command specifically looks for an uppercase Z). You can use other compression programs in this way as well. Just be sure to use the appropriate extension for the compressed file, so you can identify which program to use to decompress the file later.
If you are not using GNU tar
, to separate a tar archive that was compressed by gzip
, enter:
gunzip -c file.tar.gz | tar -xvf -
Similarly, to separate a tar archive compressed with the Unix compress
command, replace gunzip
with uncompress
Lastly, the extensions .tgz
and .tar.gz
are equivalent; they both signify a tar file zipped with gzip
Additional information
Keep the following in mind when using the tar
- The order of the options sometimes matters. Some versions of
require that thef
option be immediately followed by a space and the name of the.tar
file being created or extracted. - Some versions require a single dash before the option string (e.g.,
GNU tar
does not have either of these limitations.
The tar
command has many additional command options available. For more information, consult the manual page. At the shell prompt, enter:
man tar
GNU tar
comes with additional documentation, including a tutorial, accessible through the GNU Info interface. You can access this documentation by entering:
info tar
Within the Info interface, press ?
(the question mark) for a list of commands.
At Indiana University, for personal or departmental Linux or Unix systems support, see At IU, how do I get support for Linux or Unix?
This document was developed with support from National Science Foundation (NSF) grant OCI-1053575. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.
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