what should I use .post vs .ajax?
what should I use .post vs .ajax?
I've always had this dilemma困境 whether to use .post or .ajax for a few situations, but I got kept using .post?
current project I want to be able to post the a 'wall' sort of thing,
so you write your email, name and a comment and it posts it to an
Should I use .post? or .ajax? and why?
Thanks for any help!
$.post is a shorthand way of using $.ajax for POST requests, so there isn't a great deal of difference between using the two - they are both made possible using the same underlying code. $.get works on a similar principle.
$.ajax is generally better to use if you require a
greater depth of configuration over your ajax request, however if you're
only going to be using simple $.post requests in your scripts and
applications, sticking to it may be the best idea.
The only thing I would add in response to more configuration, is that if you want to be able to handle errors,
do something before sending or when the call is complete regardless of success or fail, $.post() only supports a success callback,
where $.ajax() supports beforeSend, success, error and complete callbacks. I generally prefer to always use $.ajax()
Difference between $.post and $.ajax?
JQuery 3.x
The jqXHR.success(), jqXHR.error(), and jqXHR.complete() callback methods are removed as of jQuery 3.0. You can use jqXHR.done(), jqXHR.fail(), and jqXHR.always() instead.
var jqxhr = $.post(url, data);
// Handle results
jqxhr.done(function(result) {
//alert("ajax success");
jqxhr.fail(function() {
//alert("ajax error");
jqxhr.always(function() {
//alert("ajax complete");
This is a shorthand Ajax function, which is equivalent to:
type: "POST",
url: url,
data: data,
success: success,
dataType: dataType
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