


class Solution(object):
def minWindow(self, s, t):
:type s: str
:type t: str
:rtype: str
count1 = collections.defaultdict(int)
count2 = []
for char in t:
count1[char] += 1
count2.append(char) count = len(t)
start = 0
minSize = len(s) + 1
minStart = 0 for end in range(len(s)):
if s[end] in count2 :
count1[s[end]] -= 1
if count1[s[end]] >= 0: #<=0时表示出现了多余的t中要求的元素,比如t中两个A,现在出现了第三个A,所以没必要count-1
count -= 1
if count == 0:
while True:
if s[start] in count2 :
if count1[s[start]] < 0: #s中第一个出现t中元素的位置可以被更换啦
count1[s[start]] += 1
else: #
start += 1
if minSize > end - start + 1:
minSize = end - start + 1
minStart = start
#print(end,count1,count2,count) if minSize < len(s) + 1:
return s[minStart:minStart + minSize]
return '' class Solution(object):
def minWindow(self, s, t):
:type s: str
:type t: str
:rtype: str
count1 = collections.defaultdict(int)
count2 = []
for char in t:
count1[char] += 1
count2.append(char) count = len(t)
start = 0
minSize = len(s) + 1
minStart = 0 for end in range(len(s)):
if s[end] in count2 :
count1[s[end]] -= 1
if count1[s[end]] >= 0:
count -= 1
if count == 0:
while True: if s[start] in count2 :
if count1[s[start]] < 0:
count1[s[start]] += 1
start += 1
if minSize > end - start + 1:
minSize = end - start + 1
minStart = start
#print(end,count1,count2,count) if minSize < len(s) + 1:
return s[minStart:minStart + minSize]
return ''

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