
1.1 程序实现关键点






1.2 常用ftp命令与函数对应关系


ftp命令 对应的FTP对象方法 备注
ls nlst([pathname]) Return a list of file names as returned by the NLST command.
dir dir([pathname])  Produce a directory listing as returned by the LIST command, printing it to standard output.
rename rename(fromname, toname) Rename file fromname on the server to toname.
delete delete(filename) Remove the file named filename from the server.
cd cwd(pathname) Set the current directory on the server.
mkdir mkd(pathname) Create a new directory on the server.
pwd pwd() Return the pathname of the current directory on the server.
rmdir rmd(dirname) Remove the directory named dirname on the server.
  size(filename) Request the size of the file named filename on the server.
quit quit() Send a QUIT command to the server and close the connection.
close close() Close the connection unilaterally.
put storbinary(cmd, fp, blocksize=8192, callback=None, rest=None) Store a file in binary transfer mode.
get retrbinary(cmd, callback, blocksize=8192, rest=None) Retrieve a file in binary transfer mode.

1.3 程序截图



import logging
from ftplib import FTP class MyFtp():
def __init__(self):
self.ftp_client = FTP() # 些函数实现ftp登录
def ftp_login(self,host_ip,username,password):
except :
logging.warning('network connect time out')
return 1001
self.ftp_client.login(user=username, passwd=password)
logging.warning('username or password error')
return 1002
return 1000 # 此函数执行ftp命令,并打印命令执行结果
def execute_some_command(self):
# 通运sendcmd方法形式执行pwd命令,为使用形式统一起见不推荐使用此种形式,而且其实大多数命令都是支持这种形式的
command_result = self.ftp_client.sendcmd('pwd')
logging.warning('command_result:%s'% command_result)
# 通过直接使用pwd方法执行pwd命令,推荐统一使用此种形式
command_result = self.ftp_client.pwd()
logging.warning('command_result:%s' % command_result)
# 上传文件;'stor ftp_client.py'告诉服务端将上传的文件保存为ftp_client.py,open()是以二进制读方式打开本地要上传的文件
command_result = self.ftp_client.storbinary('stor ftp_client.py',open("ftp_client.py",'rb'))
logging.warning('command_result:%s' % command_result)
# 下载文件;'retr .bash_profile'告诉服务端要下载服务端当前目录下的.bash_profile文件,open()是以二进制写方式打开本地要存成的文件
command_result = self.ftp_client.retrbinary('retr .bash_profile', open('local_bash_profile', 'wb').write)
logging.warning('command_result:%s' % command_result) # 此函数实现退出ftp会话
def ftp_logout(self):
logging.warning('now will disconnect with server')
self.ftp_client.close() if __name__ == '__main__':
# 要连接的主机ip
host_ip = ''
# 用户名
username = 'ls'
# 密码
password = 'abcd1234'
# 实例化
my_ftp = MyFtp()
# 如果登录成功则执行命令,然后退出
if my_ftp.ftp_login(host_ip,username,password) == 1000:
logging.warning('login success , now will execute some command')





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