from threading import Thread
import time def run(a = None, b = None) :
print a, b
time.sleep(1) t = Thread(target = run, name="wangjing",args = ("this is a", "thread"))
#此时线程是新建状态 print t.getName() #获得线程对象名称
print t.isAlive() #判断线程是否还活着,在start后,在执行完毕前调用isAlive()才会返回True
t.start() #启动线程
#print t.isAlive()
t.join() #主线程等待子线程t执行结束
print "done!" #练习:用继承的方法创建线程
from threading import Thread
import time class MyThread(Thread) :
def __init__(self, a) :
super(MyThread, self).__init__()
self.a = a def run(self) :
print "sleep :", self.a t1 = MyThread(2)
t2 = MyThread(4)
print "done!" #练习:线程
import threading
import time
class timer(threading.Thread):
#The timer class is derived from the class threading.Thread
def __init__(self, num, interval):
self.thread_num = num
self.interval = interval
self.thread_stop = False def run(self):
#Overwrite run() method, put what you want the thread do here
while not self.thread_stop:
print 'Thread Object(%d), Time:%s\n' %(self.thread_num, time.ctime())
def stop(self):
self.thread_stop = True
def test():
thread1 = timer(1, 1)
thread2 = timer(2, 2)
thread1.start() #执行类里面的run方法
time.sleep(10) #这里是主线程等待10秒
thread2.stop() #停止线程 #这里的停止是主线程调用的
if __name__ == '__main__':
test() #练习:线程中再启动一个线程
import threading
import time
def context(tJoin):
print 'in threadContext.'
# 将阻塞tContext直到threadJoin终止
# tJoin终止后继续执行
print 'out threadContext.' def join1():
print 'in threadJoin.'
print 'out threadJoin.' if __name__=="__main__":
tJoin = threading.Thread(target = join1)
tContext = threading.Thread(target = context, args = (tJoin,))
tContext.start() #练习:将子线程设置为守护线程
import threading
import time
class MyThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, id):
threading.Thread.__init__(self) def run(self):
print "This is " + self.getName() if __name__ == "__main__":
t1 = MyThread(999)
# 将子线程设置为守护线程,设置为守护线程后,主线程退出子线程跟着退出,防止子线程挂起
print "I am the father thread."


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