
Saying that a number contains 1000 digits is the same as
saying that it's greater than 10**999. The nth Fibonacci number is [phi**n / sqrt(5)], where the
brackets denote "nearest integer". So we need phi**n/sqrt(5) > 10**999 n * log(phi) - log(5)/2 > 999 * log(10) n * log(phi) > 999 * log(10) + log(5)/2
n > (999 * log(10) + log(5) / 2) / log(phi) A handheld calculator shows the right hand side to be
4781.8593, so 4782 is the first integer n with the
desired property. Why bother with a computer on this one?


import time
start = time.time()
sed_2 = 1
sed_1 = 1
for i in range(3,1000000):
sed = sed_1 + sed_2
# print(sed)
if len(str(sed)) == 1000:
res = i
sed_1,sed_2 = sed,sed_1 print(i)
print(time.time()- start) >>>

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