
  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  2. #-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
  4. #######################################################
  5. # 用于批量删除excel的指定行 #
  6. # 适用于全部office。前提须要安装pywin32和office软件 #
  7. #######################################################
  9. import os
  10. import sys
  11. import time
  12. import glob
  13. import shutil
  14. import string
  15. import os.path
  16. import traceback
  17. import ConfigParser
  18. import win32com.client
  20. SPATH = "" #需处理的excel文件文件夹
  21. DPATH = "" #处理后的excel存放文件夹
  23. SKIP_FILE_LIST = [] #须要跳过的文件列表
  24. MAX_SHEET_INDEX = 1 #每一个excel文件的前几个表须要处理
  25. DELETE_ROW_LIST = [] #须要删除的行号
  27. def dealPath(pathname=''):
  28. '''deal with windows file path'''
  29. if pathname:
  30. pathname = pathname.strip()
  31. if pathname:
  32. pathname = r'%s'%pathname
  33. pathname = string.replace(pathname, r'/', '\\')
  34. pathname = os.path.abspath(pathname)
  35. if pathname.find(":\\") == -1:
  36. pathname = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), pathname)
  37. return pathname
  39. class EasyExcel(object):
  40. '''class of easy to deal with excel'''
  42. def __init__(self):
  43. '''initial excel application'''
  44. self.m_filename = ''
  45. self.m_exists = False
  46. self.m_excel = win32com.client.DispatchEx('Excel.Application') #也能够用Dispatch,前者开启新进程,后者会复用进程中的excel进程
  47. self.m_excel.DisplayAlerts = False #覆盖同名文件时不弹出确认框
  49. def open(self, filename=''):
  50. '''open excel file'''
  51. if getattr(self, 'm_book', False):
  52. self.m_book.Close()
  53. self.m_filename = dealPath(filename) or ''
  54. self.m_exists = os.path.isfile(self.m_filename)
  55. if not self.m_filename or not self.m_exists:
  56. self.m_book = self.m_excel.Workbooks.Add()
  57. else:
  58. self.m_book = self.m_excel.Workbooks.Open(self.m_filename)
  60. def reset(self):
  61. '''reset'''
  62. self.m_excel = None
  63. self.m_book = None
  64. self.m_filename = ''
  66. def save(self, newfile=''):
  67. '''save the excel content'''
  68. assert type(newfile) is str, 'filename must be type string'
  69. newfile = dealPath(newfile) or self.m_filename
  70. if not newfile or (self.m_exists and newfile == self.m_filename):
  71. self.m_book.Save()
  72. return
  73. pathname = os.path.dirname(newfile)
  74. if not os.path.isdir(pathname):
  75. os.makedirs(pathname)
  76. self.m_filename = newfile
  77. self.m_book.SaveAs(newfile)
  79. def close(self):
  80. '''close the application'''
  81. self.m_book.Close(SaveChanges=1)
  82. self.m_excel.Quit()
  83. time.sleep(2)
  84. self.reset()
  86. def addSheet(self, sheetname=None):
  87. '''add new sheet, the name of sheet can be modify,but the workbook can't '''
  88. sht = self.m_book.Worksheets.Add()
  89. sht.Name = sheetname if sheetname else sht.Name
  90. return sht
  92. def getSheet(self, sheet=1):
  93. '''get the sheet object by the sheet index'''
  94. assert sheet > 0, 'the sheet index must bigger then 0'
  95. return self.m_book.Worksheets(sheet)
  97. def getSheetByName(self, name):
  98. '''get the sheet object by the sheet name'''
  99. for i in xrange(1, self.getSheetCount()+1):
  100. sheet = self.getSheet(i)
  101. if name == sheet.Name:
  102. return sheet
  103. return None
  105. def getCell(self, sheet=1, row=1, col=1):
  106. '''get the cell object'''
  107. assert row>0 and col>0, 'the row and column index must bigger then 0'
  108. return self.getSheet(sheet).Cells(row, col)
  110. def getRow(self, sheet=1, row=1):
  111. '''get the row object'''
  112. assert row>0, 'the row index must bigger then 0'
  113. return self.getSheet(sheet).Rows(row)
  115. def getCol(self, sheet, col):
  116. '''get the column object'''
  117. assert col>0, 'the column index must bigger then 0'
  118. return self.getSheet(sheet).Columns(col)
  120. def getRange(self, sheet, row1, col1, row2, col2):
  121. '''get the range object'''
  122. sht = self.getSheet(sheet)
  123. return sht.Range(self.getCell(sheet, row1, col1), self.getCell(sheet, row2, col2))
  125. def getCellValue(self, sheet, row, col):
  126. '''Get value of one cell'''
  127. return self.getCell(sheet,row, col).Value
  129. def setCellValue(self, sheet, row, col, value):
  130. '''set value of one cell'''
  131. self.getCell(sheet, row, col).Value = value
  133. def getRowValue(self, sheet, row):
  134. '''get the row values'''
  135. return self.getRow(sheet, row).Value
  137. def setRowValue(self, sheet, row, values):
  138. '''set the row values'''
  139. self.getRow(sheet, row).Value = values
  141. def getColValue(self, sheet, col):
  142. '''get the row values'''
  143. return self.getCol(sheet, col).Value
  145. def setColValue(self, sheet, col, values):
  146. '''set the row values'''
  147. self.getCol(sheet, col).Value = values
  149. def getRangeValue(self, sheet, row1, col1, row2, col2):
  150. '''return a tuples of tuple)'''
  151. return self.getRange(sheet, row1, col1, row2, col2).Value
  153. def setRangeValue(self, sheet, row1, col1, data):
  154. '''set the range values'''
  155. row2 = row1 + len(data) - 1
  156. col2 = col1 + len(data[0]) - 1
  157. range = self.getRange(sheet, row1, col1, row2, col2)
  158. range.Clear()
  159. range.Value = data
  161. def getSheetCount(self):
  162. '''get the number of sheet'''
  163. return self.m_book.Worksheets.Count
  165. def getMaxRow(self, sheet):
  166. '''get the max row number, not the count of used row number'''
  167. return self.getSheet(sheet).Rows.Count
  169. def getMaxCol(self, sheet):
  170. '''get the max col number, not the count of used col number'''
  171. return self.getSheet(sheet).Columns.Count
  173. def clearCell(self, sheet, row, col):
  174. '''clear the content of the cell'''
  175. self.getCell(sheet,row,col).Clear()
  177. def deleteCell(self, sheet, row, col):
  178. '''delete the cell'''
  179. self.getCell(sheet, row, col).Delete()
  181. def clearRow(self, sheet, row):
  182. '''clear the content of the row'''
  183. self.getRow(sheet, row).Clear()
  185. def deleteRow(self, sheet, row):
  186. '''delete the row'''
  187. self.getRow(sheet, row).Delete()
  189. def clearCol(self, sheet, col):
  190. '''clear the col'''
  191. self.getCol(sheet, col).Clear()
  193. def deleteCol(self, sheet, col):
  194. '''delete the col'''
  195. self.getCol(sheet, col).Delete()
  197. def clearSheet(self, sheet):
  198. '''clear the hole sheet'''
  199. self.getSheet(sheet).Clear()
  201. def deleteSheet(self, sheet):
  202. '''delete the hole sheet'''
  203. self.getSheet(sheet).Delete()
  205. def deleteRows(self, sheet, fromRow, count=1):
  206. '''delete count rows of the sheet'''
  207. maxRow = self.getMaxRow(sheet)
  208. maxCol = self.getMaxCol(sheet)
  209. endRow = fromRow+count-1
  210. if fromRow > maxRow or endRow < 1:
  211. return
  212. self.getRange(sheet, fromRow, 1, endRow, maxCol).Delete()
  214. def deleteCols(self, sheet, fromCol, count=1):
  215. '''delete count cols of the sheet'''
  216. maxRow = self.getMaxRow(sheet)
  217. maxCol = self.getMaxCol(sheet)
  218. endCol = fromCol + count - 1
  219. if fromCol > maxCol or endCol < 1:
  220. return
  221. self.getRange(sheet, 1, fromCol, maxRow, endCol).Delete()
  223. def echo(msg):
  224. '''echo message'''
  225. print msg
  227. def dealSingle(excel, sfile, dfile):
  228. '''deal with single excel file'''
  229. echo("deal with %s"%sfile)
  230. basefile = os.path.basename(sfile)
  231. excel.open(sfile)
  232. sheetcount = excel.getSheetCount()
  233. if not (basefile in SKIP_FILE_LIST or file in SKIP_FILE_LIST):
  234. for sheet in range(1, sheetcount+1):
  235. if sheet > MAX_SHEET_INDEX:
  236. continue
  237. reduce = 0
  238. for row in DELETE_ROW_LIST:
  239. excel.deleteRow(sheet, row-reduce)
  240. reduce += 1
  241. #excel.deleteRows(sheet, 2, 2)
  242. excel.save(dfile)
  244. def dealExcel(spath, dpath):
  245. '''deal with excel files'''
  246. start = time.time()
  247. #check source path exists or not
  248. spath = dealPath(spath)
  249. if not os.path.isdir(spath):
  250. echo("No this directory :%s"%spath)
  251. return
  252. #check destination path exists or not
  253. dpath = dealPath(dpath)
  254. if not os.path.isdir(dpath):
  255. os.makedirs(dpath)
  256. shutil.rmtree(dpath)
  257. #list the excel file
  258. filelist = glob.glob(os.path.join(spath, '*.xlsx'))
  259. if not filelist:
  260. echo('The path of %s has no excel file'%spath)
  261. return
  262. #deal with excel file
  263. excel = EasyExcel()
  264. for file in filelist:
  265. basefile = os.path.basename(file)
  266. destfile = os.path.join(dpath, basefile)
  267. dealSingle(excel, file, destfile)
  268. echo('Use time:%s'%(time.time()-start))
  269. excel.close()
  271. def loadConfig(configfile='./config.ini'):
  272. '''parse config file'''
  273. global SPATH
  274. global DPATH
  275. global SKIP_FILE_LIST
  276. global MAX_SHEET_INDEX
  277. global DELETE_ROW_LIST
  279. file = dealPath(configfile)
  280. if not os.path.isfile(file):
  281. echo('Can not find the config.ini')
  282. return False
  283. parser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
  284. parser.read(file)
  285. SPATH = parser.get('pathconfig', 'spath').strip()
  286. DPATH = parser.get('pathconfig', 'dpath').strip()
  287. filelist = parser.get('otherconfig', 'filelist').strip()
  288. index = parser.get('otherconfig', 'maxindex').strip()
  289. rowlist = parser.get('otherconfig', 'deleterows').strip()
  290. if filelist:
  291. SKIP_FILE_LIST = filelist.split(";")
  292. if rowlist:
  293. DELETE_ROW_LIST = map(int, rowlist.split(";"))
  294. MAX_SHEET_INDEX = int(index) if index else MAX_SHEET_INDEX
  296. def main():
  297. '''main function'''
  298. loadConfig()
  299. if SPATH and DPATH and MAX_SHEET_INDEX:
  300. dealExcel(SPATH, DPATH)
  301. raw_input("Please press any key to exit!")
  303. if __name__=="__main__":
  304. main()


  1. [pathconfig]
  2. #;spath表示须要处理的excel文件文件夹
  3. spath=./tests
  4. #;dpath表示处理后的excel文件文件夹
  5. dpath=./dest
  7. [otherconfig]
  8. #;filelist表示不须要做特殊处理的excel文件列表,以英文分号分隔
  9. filelist=
  10. #;maxindex表示须要处理每一个excel文件的前几张表
  11. maxindex=1
  12. #;deleterows表示须要删除的阿拉伯数字行号,用英文分号分隔
  13. deleterows=2;3


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