
思路就是看unique letter,因为题里说肯定是valid string。。


同样的还有x for six, g for eight, w for two..





public class Solution
{ public String originalDigits(String str)
String res = ""; int[] l = new int[26];
for(int j = 0; j < str.length();j++) l[str.charAt(j) -'a']++; int z = l['z'-'a'];
int e = l['e'-'a'];
int r = l['r'-'a'];
int o = l['o'-'a'];
int n = l['n'-'a'];
int t = l['t'-'a'];
int w = l['w'-'a'];
int h = l['h'-'a'];
int f = l['f'-'a'];
int u = l['u'-'a'];
int i = l['i'-'a'];
int v = l['v'-'a'];
int s = l['s'-'a'];
int x = l['x'-'a'];
int g = l['g'-'a']; int[] nums = new int[10]; // zero
nums[0] = z;
e-=z; r-=z; o-=z; // six
nums[6] = x;
s-=x; i-=x; // eight
nums[8] = g;
e-=g; i-=g;h-=g;t-=g; g-=g; // two
nums[2] = w;
t-=w;o-=w; // seven
nums[7] = s;
s-=nums[7];e-=nums[7]*2;v-=nums[7];n-=nums[7]; // five
nums[5] = v;
f-=nums[5];i-=nums[5];v-=nums[5];e-=nums[5]; // four
nums[4] = f;
f-=nums[4];o-=nums[4];u-=nums[4];r-=nums[4]; // nine
nums[9] = i;
n-=nums[9]*2; i-=nums[9]; e-=nums[9]; // three
nums[3] = t;
t-=nums[3]; h-=nums[3]; r-=nums[3]; e-=nums[3]*2; // one
nums[1] = o; for(int m = 0; m < 10;m++)
for(int k = 0; k < nums[m];k++) res+=m;
} return res; } }

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