BA/PM Competency Module
No | Competency | Description | BA | Weight% | PM | Weight% |
1 | Business Analysis:BA Track | Maps process flows, systems, procedures, interfaces etc. in business processes relating to Line of Business. Spots new business opportunities through market research, trend analysis, monitoring of competitor activity etc. Analyses and recommends business process and/or solution offering to solve business problems and/or exploit new business opportunities. Develops, helps develop solution accelerators (such as proof-of-concepts) that promote new-solution offerings. |
Y | 20 | / | / |
2 | Business and Domain Knowledge | Understands the business directions and trends related to the client's industry or domain; provides value-added solutions/suggestions to the client. Knowledgeable about the business aspects of applications related to area of work. Readily absorbs new information and keeps up to date in specialist areas; able to draw from and apply this knowledge in a proficient manner. Holds certifications (internal or external) relevant to Line of Business. |
Y | 10 | Y | 5 |
3 | Business Development:BA Track | Contributes to the growth of a Line of Business, Solution Offering, Territory etc., directly or through participation in client presentations, preparation of project plans, proposals, estimations, marketing and intellectual collaterals, gathering of competitor intelligence etc. | Y | 10 | / | / |
4 | Bus.Development | Contributes to the growth of a Line of Business, Solution Offering, Territory etc., directly or through participation in client presentations, preparation of project proposals etc. across accounts. | / | / | Y | 1 |
5 | Client Management | Builds effective working relationship with the client / client's interface; dexterity in external interpersonal dealing; able to communicate with, relate to and see issues from the perspective of people of other cultures. Understands and responds to client's priority needs for service and support; ensures individual customer needs are met. Takes command appropriately; enterprising and effectively persuasive in all business dealings. | Y | 5 | Y | 5 |
6 | Communication | Communicates verbally in a manner; which is clear; fluent; and to the point; can hold the audience's attention; both in group and one-to-one situations. Listens attentively; shows consideration; concern and respect for others. Produces written communications with are clear; fluent; concise; and readily understood by intended recipient(s). Makes impactful presentations. | Y | 15 | Y | 10 |
7 | Competency Development | Actively shares knowledge with and provides guidance to other members of the team and/or other project teams. Participates in structured mentoring and coaching activities. Develops or contributes to the development of new knowledge and skill in Line of Business. Creates or contributes to the creation of competency-based assets such as knowledge repositories; knowledge management systems; reusable components etc. | Y | 3 | Y | 2 |
8 | Consulting Skills | Understands various aspects of applications related to area of work;Analyses and recommends business process, solution offering etc., to solve business problems and/or exploit new business opportunities. Able to influence attitudes and opinions of others and gain agreement to proposals, plans and ideas; skilful at negotiating. | Y | 10 | Y | 5 |
9 | recruitment & quality | Actively participates in organization activities such as recruitment, contribution to Cognizant Academy, PDC, Certifications (such as CMM, BS7799, PCMM and their likes) etc. | Y | 2 | Y | 2 |
10 | Leadership | Establishes and defines team goals and objectives.Creates a participative and empowered environment; guides, motivates and supports the team; facilitates successful goal accomplishment.Identifies team capabilities; delegates challenging goals; provides constructive feedback, coaching, training opportunities and assignments which challenge associate's abilities; supports associate initiative. Takes calculated risks on new programs that can provide improved benefits, expeditious service or a better product. | / | / | Y | 10 |
11 | Personal Effectiveness | Builds effective working relationships with other members of the team; co-operative; shares information; supports others. Prioritizes and tracks activities effectively to meet commitments and schedules; consistently meets deadlines. Maintains high ethical standards; shows integrity and fairness in dealings with others; reliable and trustworthy; adheres to the organization's code of conduct and work practices Proactive and self-starting. |
Y | 10 | Y | 5 |
12 | Project Management:BA Track | Possesses a broad knowledge of SDLC methodologies; understands technology and its applications in the prevailing business and technical environment. Is aware of and adheres to Quality Procedures and Systems. Possesses beginner-level understanding of Project Management: estimation, scheduling, planning, requirements study, analysis, design, construction, testing and implementation. Knowledgeable about financial, business and contractual matters; manages financial budgets effectively (for AMs). |
Y | 5 | / | / |
13 | Project Mgmt:PM Track-M &eqvt | Possesses beginner-level understanding of Project Management -estimation, scheduling, planning, requirements study, analysis, design, construction, testing and implementation. (For SAs). Possesses practitioner-level understanding of Project Management -estimation, scheduling, planning, requirements study, analysis, design, construction, testing and implementation. (for APMs). Establishes clear priorities; schedules activities to ensure. optimum use of time and resources. Drives projects, gets results; ensures that key objectives are met. | / | / | Y | 20 |
14 | Technical Orientation:BA Track | Knowledgeable about applications, databases, network security and directories hardware and operating systems, storage and peripherals. Possesses beginner-level understanding of design aspects including macro and micro level designs. |
Y | 10 | / | / |
15 | Technical Skills:PM Track | Possesses good programming, testing and coding skills. Analyses complex technical situations, generates alternatives, and identifies the best technical solution(s). Understands technical and technology aspects of applications related to his / her area of work; adapts to changing technology requirements. Is aware of, adheres to, and suggests improvements in Quality Procedures and Systems | / | / | Y | 35 |
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