The greatest ideal man can set before himself is self-perfection.


To be better than the one you were yesterday, that is the only way to be self-perfect.

For most of us, we may not expect that our life can go along nicely.

Always bounce back from every disappointment, and we may fly much more higher.

A sailor without a destination cannot hope for a favorable wind.


From Leon Tec.

Without favorable wind, a skilled sailor can still manage his boat and reach somewhere in the ocean, maybe there is his destination, maybe there is full of treausres. or maybe there is place he never wants to go the second time.

Who knows? Of course, it would be much better if there are favorable winds and currents, which would make our journey smooth and help us reach our destination in advance.

But that really requires a lot capabilities to know how to pilot the wind and current, which means a big difference between smooth sailing and rough waters.

Rough waters, if you can't play with your boat well, it would capsize your boat.

Uh, I think I am good at swimming in the sea, no matter how stormy the water is.

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