
A managed PE file has four main parts: the PE32(+) header, the CLR header, the metadata, and the IL. The PE32(+) header is the standard information that Windows expects. The CLR header is a small block of information that is specific to modules that require the CLR (managed modules). The header includes the major and minor version number of the CLR that the module was built for: some flags, a MethodDef token (described later) indicating the module’s entry point method if this module is a CUI, GUI, or Windows Store executable, and an optional strong-name digital signature. Finally, the header contains the size and offsets of certain metadata tables contained within the module.

The metadata is a block of binary data that consists of several tables. There are three categories of tables: definition tables, reference tables, and manifest tables. T

Metadata table entries are also created as the compiler detects the types, fields, methods, properties, and events that the source code references. The metadata created includes a set of reference tables that keep a record of the referenced items.


C# 代码

 using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Main
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine(Type.GetType("A.ClassA, A"));
} public class ClassMain
public string Property { get; set; } public void Method(string msg)


ScopeName : Main.exe
MVID : {8C836651-F32E-4341-B87A-3479E4412916}
Global functions
------------------------------------------------------- Global fields
------------------------------------------------------- Global MemberRefs
------------------------------------------------------- TypeDef #1 (02000002)
TypDefName: Main.Program (02000002)
Flags : [NotPublic] [AutoLayout] [Class] [AnsiClass] [BeforeFieldInit] (00100000)
Extends : 01000001 [TypeRef] System.Object
Method #1 (06000001) [ENTRYPOINT]
MethodName: Main (06000001)
Flags : [Private] [Static] [HideBySig] [ReuseSlot] (00000091)
RVA : 0x00002050
ImplFlags : [IL] [Managed] (00000000)
CallCnvntn: [DEFAULT]
ReturnType: Void
1 Arguments
Argument #1: SZArray String
1 Parameters
(1) ParamToken : (08000001) Name : args flags: [none] (00000000) Method #2 (06000002)
MethodName: .ctor (06000002)
Flags : [Public] [HideBySig] [ReuseSlot] [SpecialName] [RTSpecialName] [.ctor] (00001886)
RVA : 0x00002063
ImplFlags : [IL] [Managed] (00000000)
CallCnvntn: [DEFAULT]
ReturnType: Void
No arguments. TypeDef #2 (02000003)
TypDefName: Main.ClassMain (02000003)
Flags : [Public] [AutoLayout] [Class] [AnsiClass] [BeforeFieldInit] (00100001)
Extends : 01000001 [TypeRef] System.Object
Field #1 (04000001)
Field Name: <Property>k__BackingField (04000001)
Flags : [Private] (00000001)
CallCnvntn: [FIELD]
Field type: String
CustomAttribute #1 (0c000001)
CustomAttribute Type: 0a000008
CustomAttributeName: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute :: instance void .ctor()
Length: 4
Value : 01 00 00 00 > <
ctor args: () Method #1 (06000003)
MethodName: get_Property (06000003)
Flags : [Public] [HideBySig] [ReuseSlot] [SpecialName] (00000886)
RVA : 0x0000206c
ImplFlags : [IL] [Managed] (00000000)
CallCnvntn: [DEFAULT]
ReturnType: String
No arguments.
CustomAttribute #1 (0c000006)
CustomAttribute Type: 0a000008
CustomAttributeName: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute :: instance void .ctor()
Length: 4
Value : 01 00 00 00 > <
ctor args: () Method #2 (06000004)
MethodName: set_Property (06000004)
Flags : [Public] [HideBySig] [ReuseSlot] [SpecialName] (00000886)
RVA : 0x00002083
ImplFlags : [IL] [Managed] (00000000)
CallCnvntn: [DEFAULT]
ReturnType: Void
1 Arguments
Argument #1: String
1 Parameters
(1) ParamToken : (08000002) Name : value flags: [none] (00000000)
CustomAttribute #1 (0c000007)
CustomAttribute Type: 0a000008
CustomAttributeName: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute :: instance void .ctor()
Length: 4
Value : 01 00 00 00 > <
ctor args: () Method #3 (06000005)
MethodName: Method (06000005)
Flags : [Public] [HideBySig] [ReuseSlot] (00000086)
RVA : 0x0000208c
ImplFlags : [IL] [Managed] (00000000)
CallCnvntn: [DEFAULT]
ReturnType: Void
1 Arguments
Argument #1: String
1 Parameters
(1) ParamToken : (08000003) Name : msg flags: [none] (00000000) Method #4 (06000006)
MethodName: .ctor (06000006)
Flags : [Public] [HideBySig] [ReuseSlot] [SpecialName] [RTSpecialName] [.ctor] (00001886)
RVA : 0x00002096
ImplFlags : [IL] [Managed] (00000000)
CallCnvntn: [DEFAULT]
ReturnType: Void
No arguments. Property #1 (17000001)
Prop.Name : Property (17000001)
Flags : [none] (00000000)
CallCnvntn: [PROPERTY]
ReturnType: String
No arguments.
Setter : (06000004) set_Property
Getter : (06000003) get_Property
0 Others TypeRef #1 (01000001)
Token: 0x01000001
ResolutionScope: 0x23000001
TypeRefName: System.Object
MemberRef #1 (0a000007)
Member: (0a000007) .ctor:
CallCnvntn: [DEFAULT]
ReturnType: Void
No arguments. TypeRef #2 (01000002)
Token: 0x01000002
ResolutionScope: 0x23000001
TypeRefName: System.Runtime.Versioning.TargetFrameworkAttribute
MemberRef #1 (0a000001)
Member: (0a000001) .ctor:
CallCnvntn: [DEFAULT]
ReturnType: Void
1 Arguments
Argument #1: String TypeRef #3 (01000003)
Token: 0x01000003
ResolutionScope: 0x23000001
TypeRefName: System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttribute
MemberRef #1 (0a000002)
Member: (0a000002) .ctor:
CallCnvntn: [DEFAULT]
ReturnType: Void
1 Arguments
Argument #1: ValueClass DebuggingModes TypeRef #4 (01000004)
Token: 0x01000004
ResolutionScope: 0x01000003
TypeRefName: DebuggingModes TypeRef #5 (01000005)
Token: 0x01000005
ResolutionScope: 0x23000001
TypeRefName: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilationRelaxationsAttribute
MemberRef #1 (0a000003)
Member: (0a000003) .ctor:
CallCnvntn: [DEFAULT]
ReturnType: Void
1 Arguments
Argument #1: I4 TypeRef #6 (01000006)
Token: 0x01000006
ResolutionScope: 0x23000001
TypeRefName: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeCompatibilityAttribute
MemberRef #1 (0a000004)
Member: (0a000004) .ctor:
CallCnvntn: [DEFAULT]
ReturnType: Void
No arguments. TypeRef #7 (01000007)
Token: 0x01000007
ResolutionScope: 0x23000001
TypeRefName: System.Type
MemberRef #1 (0a000005)
Member: (0a000005) GetType:
CallCnvntn: [DEFAULT]
ReturnType: Class System.Type
1 Arguments
Argument #1: String TypeRef #8 (01000008)
Token: 0x01000008
ResolutionScope: 0x23000001
TypeRefName: System.Console
MemberRef #1 (0a000006)
Member: (0a000006) WriteLine:
CallCnvntn: [DEFAULT]
ReturnType: Void
1 Arguments
Argument #1: Object
MemberRef #2 (0a000009)
Member: (0a000009) WriteLine:
CallCnvntn: [DEFAULT]
ReturnType: Void
1 Arguments
Argument #1: String TypeRef #9 (01000009)
Token: 0x01000009
ResolutionScope: 0x23000001
TypeRefName: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute
MemberRef #1 (0a000008)
Member: (0a000008) .ctor:
CallCnvntn: [DEFAULT]
ReturnType: Void
No arguments. Signature #1 (0x11000001)
CallCnvntn: [LOCALSIG]
1 Arguments
Argument #1: String Assembly
Token: 0x20000001
Name : Main
Public Key :
Hash Algorithm : 0x00008004
Major Version: 0x00000000
Minor Version: 0x00000000
Build Number: 0x00000000
Revision Number: 0x00000000
Locale: <null>
Flags : [none] (00000000)
CustomAttribute #1 (0c000002)
CustomAttribute Type: 0a000001
CustomAttributeName: System.Runtime.Versioning.TargetFrameworkAttribute :: instance void .ctor(class System.String)
Length: 73
Value : 01 00 1a 2e 4e 45 54 46 72 61 6d 65 77 6f 72 6b > .NETFramework<
: 2c 56 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 3d 76 34 2e 35 01 00 54 >,Version=v4.5 T<
: 0e 14 46 72 61 6d 65 77 6f 72 6b 44 69 73 70 6c > FrameworkDispl<
: 61 79 4e 61 6d 65 12 2e 4e 45 54 20 46 72 61 6d >ayName .NET Fram<
: 65 77 6f 72 6b 20 34 2e 35 >ework 4.5 <
ctor args: (".NETFramework,Version=v4.5") CustomAttribute #2 (0c000003)
CustomAttribute Type: 0a000002
CustomAttributeName: System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttribute :: instance void .ctor(value class DebuggingModes)
Length: 8
Value : 01 00 07 01 00 00 00 00 > <
ctor args: ( <can not decode> ) CustomAttribute #3 (0c000004)
CustomAttribute Type: 0a000003
CustomAttributeName: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilationRelaxationsAttribute :: instance void .ctor(int32)
Length: 8
Value : 01 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 > <
ctor args: (8) CustomAttribute #4 (0c000005)
CustomAttribute Type: 0a000004
CustomAttributeName: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeCompatibilityAttribute :: instance void .ctor()
Length: 30
Value : 01 00 01 00 54 02 16 57 72 61 70 4e 6f 6e 45 78 > T WrapNonEx<
: 63 65 70 74 69 6f 6e 54 68 72 6f 77 73 01 >ceptionThrows <
ctor args: () AssemblyRef #1 (23000001)
Token: 0x23000001
Public Key or Token: b7 7a 5c 56 19 34 e0 89
Name: mscorlib
Major Version: 0x00000004
Minor Version: 0x00000000
Build Number: 0x00000000
Revision Number: 0x00000000
Locale: <null>
HashValue Blob:
Flags: [none] (00000000) User Strings
70000001 : (11) L"A.ClassA, A" Coff symbol name overhead: 0

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