// Copyright (c) 2021. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

// Package common the common package of the program
package common

import (

const (
base = 10
bitSize = 64

// HeaderUserIDKey HeaderUserIDKey
HeaderUserIDKey = "UserID"
// HeaderGroupIDKey HeaderGroupIDKey
HeaderGroupIDKey = "GroupID"
// HeaderRoleIDKey HeaderRoleIDKey
HeaderRoleIDKey = "RoleID"
// HeaderRequestIDKey HeaderRequestIDKey
HeaderRequestIDKey = "RequestID"
// HeaderRoleCodeKey HeaderRoleCodeKey
HeaderRoleCodeKey = "RoleCode"

// RespMsg response msg
type RespMsg struct {
Status string `json:"status"`
Msg string `json:"msg"`
Data interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"`

// HeaderInfo header struct
type HeaderInfo struct {
TraceID string `sql:"-" json:"requestID,omitempty"`
UserID uint64 `gorm:"" json:"userId,omitempty"`
GroupID uint64 `gorm:"" json:"groupId,omitempty"`
RoleID uint64 `sql:"-" json:"roleId,omitempty"`
RoleCode string `sql:"-" json:"roleCode,omitempty"`

// ConstructResp construct response
func ConstructResp(c *gin.Context, errorCode string, msg string, data interface{}) {
ConstructRespWithStatus(c, errorCode, msg, data, http.StatusOK)

// ConstructRespWithStatus construct response
func ConstructRespWithStatus(c *gin.Context, errorCode string, msg string, data interface{}, status int) {
if msg == "" {
msg = ErrorMap[errorCode]
result := RespMsg{
Status: errorCode,
Msg: msg,
Data: data,
c.JSON(status, result)

// GetHeaderInfo get header info
func GetHeaderInfo(c *gin.Context) (HeaderInfo, string, error) {
var hInfo HeaderInfo
uuid := c.GetHeader(HeaderRequestIDKey)
hInfo.TraceID = uuid
userIDStr := c.GetHeader(HeaderUserIDKey)
if userIDStr == "" {
return HeaderInfo{}, ErrorNotFoundUserID, errors.New("no login")
userID, err := strconv.ParseUint(userIDStr, base, bitSize)
if err != nil {
return HeaderInfo{}, ErrorConvertStr2Uint, errors.New("convert userID failed")
hInfo.UserID = userID
groupIDStr := c.GetHeader(HeaderGroupIDKey)
if groupIDStr == "" {
return hInfo, ErrorNotFoundGroupID, errors.New("not found groupID")
groupID, err := strconv.ParseUint(groupIDStr, base, bitSize)
if err != nil {
return HeaderInfo{}, ErrorConvertStr2Uint, errors.New("convert groupID failed")
hInfo.GroupID = groupID
roleIDStr := c.GetHeader(HeaderRoleIDKey)
if roleIDStr == "" {
return hInfo, ErrorNotFoundRoleID, errors.New("not found roleID")
roleID, err := strconv.ParseUint(roleIDStr, base, bitSize)
if err != nil {
return HeaderInfo{}, ErrorConvertStr2Uint, errors.New("convert groupID failed")
hInfo.RoleID = roleID
code := c.GetHeader(HeaderRoleCodeKey)
hInfo.RoleCode = code
return hInfo, "", nil

// BaseCtx the base of all controller
type BaseCtx struct {
Ctx context.Context
HdInfo HeaderInfo

// WrapHeader check and wrap the header parameter
func WrapHeader() gin.HandlerFunc {
return func(c *gin.Context) {
hInfo, errorCode, err := GetHeaderInfo(c)
if err != nil {
ConstructRespWithStatus(c, errorCode, err.Error(), nil, http.StatusUnauthorized)
ctx := context.WithValue(context.TODO(), hwlog.ReqID, hInfo.TraceID)
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, hwlog.UserID, hInfo.UserID)
baseCtx := BaseCtx{
Ctx: ctx,
HdInfo: hInfo,
c.Set("Ctx", baseCtx)

// Convert extract the baseCtx from gin.context and use as a parameter
func Convert(f func(b BaseCtx, c *gin.Context)) gin.HandlerFunc {
return func(c *gin.Context) {
baseCtx, ok := c.Get("Ctx")
if !ok {
ConstructResp(c, ErrNoLoginInfo, "", nil)
b, err := baseCtx.(BaseCtx)
if !err {
ConstructResp(c, ErrTypeConvert, "", nil)
f(b, c)


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