【文献阅读】Automatic berthing for an underactuated unmanned surface vehicle: A real-time motion planning approach
This paper presents Extended Dynamic Window Approach (EDWA) for the automatic berthing of an underactuated unmanned surface vehicle (USV).
Different from the conventional works based on Control Theory, present approach focuses on the field of planning to complete the process of the automatic berthing.
The approach takes all the dynamic constraints of the USV into account, and obtains the whole predicted trajectories of both constant force and deceleration phases.
By performing the collision detection, the predicted trajectories with obstacles are discarded and remaining trajectories are evaluated by an objective function to select the optimal trajectory for the USV.
The case studies are conducted in order to verify the feasibility and performance of the presented approach.
The results show that the approach can realize the automatic berthing under the influence of wind loads and obstacles.
Automatic navigation in complicated environment is one of the necessary capabilities for USVs.
As a sophisticated task, it is vital to ensure that the ship sails from the fairway area to the designated berthage with a proper speed and meets the heading requirements when a ship enters a port (Im and Nguyen, 2018; Piao et al., 2019; Shuai et al., 2020).
在复杂环境中自动导航是usv的必要功能之一。作为一项复杂的任务,确保船舶以 适当的速度 从球道区域航行到指定的护堤层,并 满足航向要求 是至关重要的。
According to statistics, more than 70% of berthing accidents are related to the wrong manipulation by the pilots in the harbor (Ahmed and Hasegawa, 2013). In order to reduce such accidents, it is of great practical significance to develop the automatic berthing.
In view of automating the ships berthing process, many researchers have proposed various control methods such as neural network, optimal control theory and evolution strategy, to improve the accuracy or real-time performance on berthing control.
Different from the previously mentioned literatures which focused on the control strategy of local berthing points, Sawada et al. (2020) applied a path-following algorithm to the automatic berthing for an underactuated ship. This algorithm possesses strongly real-time performance with the control accuracy.
Liao et al. (2019) gave a layered method dividing the automatic berthing into two parts: the planning and control modes. Firstly, the trajectory planning is completed with the aid of an improved artificial potential field method. Then an improved adaptive fuzzy PID controller is designed with precise control of position and heading angle to track the planned trajectory.
Automatic berthing requires the small range of autonomous control and fine operation for USVs. To berth safely, it is necessary to carry out motion planning application to automatic berthing.
Since all the dynamic constraints are considered, a proper motion planning strategy can provide the guidance to the USVs and perform the automatic berthing.
Moreover, a hybrid algorithm that effectively combines global and local path planning can also deal with the motion planning problem. The approach can be divided into two steps (Wang and Xu, 2020; Chen et al., 2019). Firstly, an unblocked initial path from the start point to the end point can be acquired by means of traditional global path planning algorithm, such as A* (Shi et al., 2019), Theta* (Kim et al., 2014) and FMM (Wang et al., 2019). Then, the dynamic window approach (DWA) (Fox et al., 1997) is used in the local path planning to produce the final trajectory which contains kinematics and dynamics constraints of USVs. Different from using control method to track the initial global path directly, the hybrid path planning algorithm has good real-time performance and strongly dynamic obstacle avoidance capability.
For a fully actuated system, motion planning is unnecessary because the ship can trace many trajectories by adjusting and optimizing the control parameters. However, not all motion states can be satisfied for an underactuated system where the degree of control is less than the degree of freedom. Considering that most ships are underactuated equipped with limited propellers and rudders, present paper focuses on underactuated USVs, using real-time motion planning approach to perform automatic berthing. For an underactuated system, one of the important tasks of motion planning is to figure out which states the USVs can reach. DWA (Fox et al., 1997; Brock and Khatib, 1999) is a local path planning algorithm that has been widely used in the field of robotics, such as mobile robot (Kashyap et al., 2020; Chang et al., 2020), Unmanned Ground Vehicle (Molinos et al., 2019), Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Vista et al., 2014) and USVs (Wang et al., 2018; Xia et al., 2020). DWA can establish a pre-selected velocity window based on the current velocity and acceleration, and then get the optimal velocity (including velocity and direction) at the next moment through the optimization of objective function.
This approach establishes a pre-selected force window rather than velocity window in DWA, to get the predicted trajectories containing both the constant force and deceleration phase that the vessel can reach by adopting the dynamic model of the USV. Then a novel objective function is presented to evaluate these trajectories and the optimal solution will be selected as the trace object. The simulation results show that the trajectory obtained by EDWA is relatively smooth, suitable for the USV operation, and what is more, effectively avoids the dynamic obstacles.
In order to simplify the model, the coupling relationship between rudder and propeller is ignored in the hydrodynamic model. Only the surge force and yaw moment are used as the control inputs, because they can directly affect the motions and easy to handle the nonlinearity of ship dynamics.
The environmental loads acting on the ships, such as wave and current, is relatively small in harbor compared with open water. The validity of our approach is the focus of the paper. Therefore, in present model, the influence of wind loads on ships is considered first. The wave and current effects will be included and discussed in future works.
The objective of the motion planning is to find a practicable trajectory that can be traced by the control system of USVs.
If the traditional path planning method is used, especially in sophisticated tasks like automatic berthing, the obtained path may have inflection points of large curvatures, resulting in a phenomenon of ‘‘planning-failure’’.
To have the small range of autonomous control, it is necessary to carry out motion planning for automatic berthing.
EDWA takes the dynamic constraints of the USV into account, obtaining the whole force space which contains all the reachable surge forces and yaw moments within unit sampling time. Then the set of feasible force pairs (, ) are discretized from the force space according to a given interval. For every feasible force pair, the trajectory can be predicted by using kinematics model of the USV. Finally, the objective function is used to evaluate each force pair, and the optimal force pair will be selected as the reference input for the USV controller.
The predicted trajectories are divided into two stages, one is the constant force phase, in which the vessel travels forward by inputting each force pair (, ) of the search space within the predicted time . In this phase, the force pairs remain unchanged.
The other is the deceleration phase. In this phase, the surge force decreases to zero, the USV slows down gradually under the action of inertia. At the same time, the controller adjusts the yaw moment to make the USV’s heading reach the desired direction.
During the following voyage, the USV maintains the desired heading until it stops, and thus, the predicted trajectories of the USV during the whole deceleration phase can be obtained.
At the end of the predicted trajectory in the constant force phase, the heading of USV is often inconsistent with the expected heading .
Therefore, it is necessary to set a controller in the deceleration phase to adjust the ship’s heading. PID (proportional–integral–derivative) controller, a widely used control method (Han, 2009), will be applied for determining the yaw moment of the USV by the deviation of the current heading and the expected heading as well as the yaw velocity.
在恒力阶段的预测轨迹结束时,USV的航向常常与预期的航向不一致。因此,有必要在减速阶段设置控制器,调整船首向。PID(比例-积分-导数)控制器是一种应用广泛的控制方法(Han, 2009),将通过当前航向和预期航向的偏差以及偏航速度来确定USV的偏航力矩。
The objective of the motion planning is that, the USV can avoid obstacles and arrive desired berthage at safe speed in the process of the automatic berthing. As a result, a smooth and safe trajectory that can successfully complete the automatic berthing is acquired.
Pilot point is a fixed point artificially selected according to the shape, size and location of the quay, it may be the point of entry or exit of the port or USV private lanes.
The disadvantage of the EDWA is that it is easy to fall into the local extremum and cause the planning failure. To avoid this drawback, local and global planning methods are normally used in combination. The global approach gives a feasible route, then the local approach performs dynamic obstacle avoidance based on this route, and develops a reasonable trajectory. To simplify, the pilot point is taken as a transitional point between the starting and target point in present study so as to avoid falling into the local extremum in the motion planning.
Here, the USV firstly takes the pilot point as the target point. When the distance between the terminal position (, ) and pilot point is less than a certain range , the target point is switched from the pilot point to the goal point. The switch can also be achieved when (, ) and goal point are visible.
As the velocity of the USV increases, the weight of the to obstacle should be increased. So USV can sail with greater safe distance to avoid collisions.
To ensure the safety of the USV, each blocked cell is expanded by meters, which is a configurable value based on the requirement of the user. For this purpose, the method (Niu et al., 2018) is used to expand the obstacle areas, Fig. 4 shows the comparison of Dalian Port before and after expanding.
为了保证USV的安全,每一个被阻塞的cell都是扩展为(0.1)米,这是一个可配置的值,基于用户需求。为此,方法(Niu et al., 2018)来扩展障碍区域,图4为大连港扩建前后。
CyberShip II (Skjetne et al., 2004) is used in present paper by ignoring the redundant propulsion and steering device. Its mass is 23.8 kg, length is 1.255 m, and breadth is 0.29 m. Considering its size, the grid map obtained after scaling Dalian Port by 100:1 is applied to the simulation for automatic berthing.
本文采用了CyberShip II (Skjetne et al., 2004),忽略了冗余的推进和转向装置。其质量为23.8公斤,长1.255米,宽0.29米。考虑到大连港的规模,将大连港按100:1比例变换后得到的网格图应用于自动靠泊的仿真。
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