PAT甲级1016. Phone Bills








下一行包含正数N(<= 1000),后跟N行记录。

每个电话记录包括客户名称(最多20个字符的空格字符串),时间和日期(mm:dd:hh:mm)和单词“在线”或“离线” 。











把所有的通话记录排序。只要第i个是online i + 1是offline就是有效的。

有个地方特别坑,就是一个用户要是没有任何有效的通话记录的话,就什么都不输出。连名字,total = 0都不输出。哎。不消费的话,什么都不给你输出。万恶的资本主义。别的地方注意一下细节就好了。



// pat1016.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。
// #include "stdafx.h" #include<iostream>
#include<map> using namespace std; int charge[24]; struct bill
string id;
vector<pair<int,string>> line;
vector<pair<string, string>> vaild;
vector<int> costtime;
vector<double> cost;
}; static bool cmp(pair<int,string> a, pair<int, string> b)
int amonth, adata, ahour, aminute;
int bmonth, bdata, bhour, bminute;
amonth = stoi(a.second.substr(0, 2));
adata = stoi(a.second.substr(3, 2));
ahour = stoi(a.second.substr(6, 2));
aminute = stoi(a.second.substr(9, 2));
bmonth = stoi(b.second.substr(0, 2));
bdata = stoi(b.second.substr(3, 2));
bhour = stoi(b.second.substr(6, 2));
bminute = stoi(b.second.substr(9, 2)); if (amonth != bmonth)
return amonth < bmonth;
else if (adata != bdata)
return adata < bdata;
else if(ahour != bhour)
return ahour < bhour;
else if (aminute != bminute)
return aminute < bminute;
return true;
} int counttime(string a, string b)
int adata, ahour, aminute;
int bdata, bhour, bminute;
adata = stoi(a.substr(3, 2));
ahour = stoi(a.substr(6, 2));
aminute = stoi(a.substr(9, 2));
bdata = stoi(b.substr(3, 2));
bhour = stoi(b.substr(6, 2));
bminute = stoi(b.substr(9, 2)); int res;
res = (bdata - adata) * 24 * 60 + (bhour - ahour) * 60 + (bminute - aminute);
return res;
} double count(string a, string b)
int adata, ahour, aminute;
int bdata, bhour, bminute;
adata = stoi(a.substr(3, 2));
ahour = stoi(a.substr(6, 2));
aminute = stoi(a.substr(9, 2));
bdata = stoi(b.substr(3, 2));
bhour = stoi(b.substr(6, 2));
bminute = stoi(b.substr(9, 2)); double res = 0;
int j;
for (int i = adata; i <= bdata; i++)
if (i < bdata)
for (j = ahour; j < 24; j++)
res += (60 - aminute) * charge[j];
aminute = 0;
ahour = 0;
else if (i == bdata)
for (j = ahour; j <= bhour; j++)
if (j < bhour)
res += (60 - aminute) * charge[j];
aminute = 0;
else if (j == bhour)
res += (bminute - aminute) * charge[j];
return res / 100;
} void findvaild(bill& b)
sort(b.line.begin(), b.line.end(), cmp);
int len = b.line.size();
for (int i = 0; i < len - 1; i++)
if (b.line[i].first == 0 && b.line[i + 1].first == 1)
b.vaild.push_back(make_pair(b.line[i].second.substr(3), b.line[i + 1].second.substr(3)));
b.costtime.push_back(counttime(b.line[i].second, b.line[i + 1].second));
b.cost.push_back(count(b.line[i].second, b.line[i + 1].second));
} int main()
int n;
map<string,bill> bl;
vector<string> allid;
for (int i = 0; i < 24; i++)
cin >> charge[i]; //通话记录
string id, time, type;
string month;
cin >> n; while (n--)
cin >> id >> time >> type;
if (bl.find(id) == bl.end())
bill b; = id;
bl[id] = b;
} if (type == "on-line")
bl[id].line.push_back(make_pair(1, time));
} month = time.substr(0, 2);
sort(allid.begin(), allid.end());
for (int i = 0; i < allid.size(); i++)
if (bl[allid[i]].vaild.size() == 0) continue;
double total = 0;
cout << bl[allid[i]].id << " " << month << endl;
for (int j = 0; j < bl[allid[i]].vaild.size(); j++)
total += bl[allid[i]].cost[j];
cout << bl[allid[i]].vaild[j].first << " " << bl[allid[i]].vaild[j].second << " " << bl[allid[i]].costtime[j] << " $";
printf("%.2f\n", bl[allid[i]].cost[j]);
printf("Total amount: $%.2f\n", total);
return 0;

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