Codeforces 25.E Test
2 seconds
256 megabytes
standard input
standard output
Sometimes it is hard to prepare tests for programming problems. Now Bob is preparing tests to new problem about strings — input data to his problem is one string. Bob has 3 wrong solutions to this problem. The first gives the wrong answer if the input data contains the substring s1, the second enters an infinite loop if the input data contains the substring s2, and the third requires too much memory if the input data contains the substring s3. Bob wants these solutions to fail single test. What is the minimal length of test, which couldn't be passed by all three Bob's solutions?
There are exactly 3 lines in the input data. The i-th line contains string si. All the strings are non-empty, consists of lowercase Latin letters, the length of each string doesn't exceed 105.
Output one number — what is minimal length of the string, containing s1, s2 and s3 as substrings.
犯了一个错:返回的hash值习惯性的用int来存储了,我的hash利用的是unsigned long long的自然溢出,所以在内存要求不是很紧的情况下尽量变量都用unsigned long long.
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm> using namespace std; typedef unsigned long long ull; const ull mod = 1e8+;
char s[][];
int len[],sum,id[];
ull has[][],bpow[]; void init()
for (int i = ; i <= ; i++)
for (int j = ; j <= len[i]; j++)
has[i][j] = has[i][j - ] * mod + s[i][j];
} ull get(int pos,int cur,int lenn) //s[pos][cur......cur + len]
return has[pos][cur + lenn] - has[pos][cur - ] * bpow[lenn + ];
} bool contain(int a,int b)
if (len[a] < len[b])
return false;
ull hasb = has[b][len[b]];
for (int i = ; i + len[b] - <= len[a]; i++)
if (get(a,i,len[b] - ) == hasb)
return true;
return false;
} int connect(int a,int b) //a在左,b在右
int minn = min(len[a],len[b]);
for (int i = minn; i >= ; i--)
if (get(a,len[a] - i + ,i - ) == get(b,,i - ))
return i;
return ;
} int solve()
for (int i = ; i <= ; i++)
for (int j = i + ; j <= ; j++)
if (contain(i,j) || contain(j,i))
int x,y;
y = - i - j;
if (len[i] > len[j])
x = i;
x = j;
if (contain(x,y) || contain(y,x))
return max(len[x],len[y]);
return len[x] + len[y] - max(connect(x,y),connect(y,x));
int res = 0x7fffffff;
res = min(res,sum - connect(id[],id[]) - connect(id[],id[]));
}while (next_permutation(id + ,id + ));
return res;
} int main()
bpow[] = ;
for (int i = ; i <= ; i++)
bpow[i] = bpow[i - ] * mod;
id[] = ;
id[] = ;
id[] = ;
for (int i = ; i <= ; i++)
scanf("%s",s[i] + );
len[i] = strlen(s[i] + );
sum += len[i];
printf("%d\n",solve()); return ;
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