Markdown tutorial [repost]
1. italic
We'll start by learning two basic elements in text formatting: italics and bold. In these lessons, you'll notice some formatted red text
; this text is actually written in Markdown! Regular Markdown doesn't look any different than regular text, but we're providing some highlighting to make it easier to see.
To make a phrase italic in Markdown, you can surround words with an underscore (_
). For example, _this_
word would become italic.
To make headers in Markdown, you preface the phrase with a hash mark (#
). You place the same number of hash marks as the size of the header you want. For example, for a header one, you'd use one hash mark (# Header One
), while for a header three, you'd use three (### Header Three
We'll now learn how to make links to other web sites on the world wide web.
There are two different link types in Markdown, but both of them render the exact same way. The first link style is called an inline link. To create an inline link, you wrap the link text in brackets ( [ ]
), and then you wrap the link in parenthesis ( ( )
). For example, to create a hyperlink to, with a link text that says, Visit GitHub!, you'd write this in Markdown: [Visit GitHub!](
In the box below, make a link to, with link text that says "Search for it."
If you know how to create links in Markdown, you can create images, too. The syntax is nearly the same.
Images also have two styles, just like links, and both of them render the exact same way. The difference between links and images is that images are prefaced with an exclamation point ( !
The first image style is called an inline image link. To create an inline image link, enter an exclamation point ( !
), wrap the alt text in brackets ( [ ]
), and then wrap the link in parenthesis ( ( )
). (Alt text is a phrase or sentence that describes the image for the visually impaired.)
For example, to create an inline image link to, with an alt text that says, Benjamin Bannekat, you'd write this in Markdown: ![Benjamin Bannekat](
In the box below, turn the link to an image, and fill out the alt text brackets to say "A representation of Octdrey Catburn":
To create a block quote, all you have to do is preface a line with the "greater than" caret (>
). For example:
This tutorial is all about creating lists in Markdown.
There are two types of lists in the known universe: unordered and ordered. That's a fancy way of saying that there are lists with bullet points, and lists with numbers.
To create an unordered list, you'll want to preface each item in the list with an asterisk ( *
). Each list item also gets its own line.
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