choose the best answer:

View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the CUSTOMERS table.

CUSTOMER_VU is a view based on CUSTOMERS_BR1 table which has the same structure as CUSTOMERS table.

CUSTOMERS needs to be updated to reflect the latest information about the customers.

What is the error in the following MERGE statement?

MERGE INTO customers c
USING customer_vu cv
ON (c.customer_id = cv.customer_id)
c.customer_id = cv.customer_id,
c.cust_name = cv.cust_name,
c.cust_email = cv.cust_email,
c.income_level = cv.income_level
INSERT VALUES(cv.customer_id,cv.cust_name,cv.cust_email,cv.income_level)
WHERE cv.income_level >100000;

A) The INTO clause is misplaced in the command.
B) The WHERE clause cannot be used with INSERT.
C) CUSTOMER_VU cannot be used as a data source.
D) The CUSTOMER_ID column cannot be updated


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