Empty your cup so that it may be filled.


From Bruce Lee.

We can't learn anything new if we already feel that we know.

Please stay humble, please open ourselves to new ideas, and be willing to change our preconceptions.

But it is difficult to practise. As we get older, we fill up our cups with our past experiences and knowledge.

When someone comes along and tries to change our minds, it is too easy to mold what someone else’s words to fit our existing beliefs.

To counteract this problem, I try to say “thank you” whenever someone gives me a piece of advice.

Even if I don’t feel like receiving advice from someone, thanking the person causes me to internally become more open to listening to what they have to say.

If the person provides feedback such as “Your ideas are wrong”, please thank the person and ask them to elaborate.

Whether or not they choose to do so is up to them, but at least we’ll have opened up a channel for discussion and sharing.

So consider new thoughts and opinions.

Even if we disagree, at least we can understand the basis behind them.

You have to believe in yourself. That's the secret of success.


We have to believe in ourselves, that is the scret of success.

It’s not what we go through that defines us, we can’t help that.

It’s what we do after we’ve gone through it that really tests who we are.

Believe in ourselves, you got that!

Success is not final; failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.

Believing in ourselves is the first step to success whether it means our life, our career, or simply our confidence, and that will become the sources of our power.

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