





if(arr[a+1] >=  arr[b])  point1 = input[a] - input[a+1] + dp(a+2,b);

else point1 = input[a] - input[b] + dp(a+1, b-1);


if (input[a] >= input[b-1]) point2 = input[b] - input[a] + dp(a+1,b-1);

else point2 = input[b] - input[b-1] + dp(a,b-2);

arr[a][b] = point1 > point2 ? point1 : point2;


 // 动态规划!
#include <stdio.h> #define N 1005
#define ENDLESS 100000 int arr[N][N];
int input[N]; int dp(int a, int b) {
if (arr[a][b] != ENDLESS)
return arr[a][b]; if (a > b)
return ; // 第一个人取左边的数,第二个人贪婪算法
int point1;
if (input[a+] >= input[b]) {
point1 = input[a] - input[a+] + dp(a+,b);
} else {
point1 = input[a] - input[b] + dp(a+, b-);
} // 第一个人取右边的数,第二个人贪婪算法
int point2;
if (input[a] >= input[b-]) {
point2 = input[b] - input[a] + dp(a+,b-);
} else {
point2 = input[b] - input[b-] + dp(a,b-);
} arr[a][b] = point1 > point2 ? point1 : point2; return arr[a][b];
} int main() {
int n;
int count = ;
while (scanf("%d", &n) != EOF) {
if (n == )
break; for (int i = ; i < n; i++)
scanf("%d", &input[i]); for (int i = ; i < n; i++)
for (int j = ; j < n; j++)
arr[i][j] = ENDLESS; printf("In game %d, the greedy strategy might lose by as many as %d points.\n", ++count, dp(,n-));
return ;

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