Since transparent containers enable consumers to clearly see the contents, consumers are increasingly demanding transparent containers, and transparent polypropylene CPP is the main material to meet this requirement. The development of transparent PP bottles is recent. A hot plastic packaging at home and abroad. Compared to other transparent plastic resins, CPP is a common and inexpensive new product with high competitiveness. Highly transparent polypropylene containers are popular with good transparency and gloss. For example, the Clairol Herbal series of containers with such containers are transparent bottles and shampoos, so you can see the pictures of the green grass on the back wall, which is pleasing to the eye.

Transparent PET plastic bottles have become the same as today, and cosmetic manufacturers are beginning to compete for containers. Such as NICE, Blue Moon, Open Rice and Quke and some companies and brands of shower gel, skin care products, cleaning products, etc. are the first to use PET containers.

PET bottles have the following characteristics:
1. Wide range of capacity,
can produce high-strength, high-transparency plastic bottles through stretch
blow molding process, usually ranging from tens of milliliters to two

2. Transparency and gloss, he has good plasticity, impact resistance and
dimensional stability, chemical stability, good gas barrier properties;

3 PET bottles are soft to the touch.

Ningbo RUICHANG Commodity
Packaging CO , Ltd
   . is a professional      Plastic Bottle
    in China. It is a high-end leading production equipment and
experienced technicians. It is a strict guarantee of the quality of

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