Unable to SSH/HTTP to the CIMC of the C-series server, however the CIMC can be pinged. Also will notice the fans in the server running at a higher rate.

Generic OS installed on the server is not affected. Only out-of-band management.


If the affected device is an APIC running 1.0(4q) and higher, this may cause an issue where the APIC software is unable to read system-product-name and system-serial-number from SPROM. . This is sometimes seen during a planned upgrade from versions before 1.0(4q) to versions higher than 1.0(4q).

The timing of this can be variable, but it has been seen to occur after approximately 60 days.

AC power cycle the server, as in, physically removing all power from the server.

Further Problem Description:

Last Modified:
Jul 15,2019
2 Severe
Cisco Unified Computing System
Support Cases:
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