
using namespace std; char str[];
int num[];
char anss[];
int cou;
int tt; void change()
int temp = (cou % );
int ans = ;
tt = ;
char la;
for (int i=; i<temp; ++i)
num[cou++] = ;
for (int i=; i<cou; i+=)
int t = ;
ans = ;
for (int j=i; j<i+; ++j)
ans += pow(, t) * num[j];
if (ans >= && ans <= )
int hh = ans + int('A');
hh -= ;
la = char(hh);
else if (ans == ) la = '.';
else if (ans == ) la = '-';
else if (ans == ) la = ',';
else if (ans == ) la = '\'';
else if (ans == ) la = ' ';
else if (ans == ) la = '?';
anss[tt++] = la;
} int main()
cou = ;
int len = strlen(str);
int cnt = ;
if (str[] == '*')
int st = ;
while(anss[st] == ' ')
int ed = tt-;
while(anss[ed] == ' ')
for (int i=st; i<=ed; ++i)
cout << anss[i];
cout << endl;
memset(num, , sizeof(num));
memset(anss, , sizeof(anss));
cou = ;
if (str[] == '#')
break; for (int i=; i<len; ++i)
cnt = ;
if (str[i] == ' ')
int j;
for (j=i; ; j++)
if (str[j] != ' ')
if (cnt % == ) num[cou++] = ;
else num[cou++] = ;
cnt = ;
i = j;
return ;


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