How to check WWN and Multipathing on Windows Server
There are many ways to find the World Wide Name (WWN) of fibre channel HBA connected to windows server operating system
1. Check FCINFO (Fibre Channel Information Tool) for windows 2003 & windows 2000 servers
This tool is to discovery the SAN resources and configuration information on your Fibre Channel SAN
Download the tool from here:
run “fcinfo” command in Command Prompt. It will show up HBA connected to the server with WWN.
Few model dependent utilities are:
- HBAnyware utility (click here to download)
- SANsurfer utility (click here to download)
- Hitachi Storage: – please follow the below commands:
dlnkmgr view -path
Check the multipath output
dlnkmgr view -drv
Checking the current settings
dlnkmgr set -lb on -lbtype rr
Setting load balancing
dlnkmgr set -pchk on -intvl 10
Setting path Health Checking
dlknmgr set -afb on
Setting Automatic Failback
Windows 2008
Few model dependent utilities are:
Storage Explorer – It will show all the FC switches in your storage fabric, with details about what is connected to each port of each switch. It also show information about other servers connected to the storage fabric, including information about HBAs and LUNs.
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