
function _drupal_bootstrap_configuration() {
// ... ...


function _drupal_error_handler($error_level, $message, $filename, $line, $context) {
require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/errors.inc';
_drupal_error_handler_real($error_level, $message, $filename, $line, $context);


function _drupal_error_handler_real($error_level, $message, $filename, $line, $context) {
if ($error_level & error_reporting()) {
$types = drupal_error_levels();
list($severity_msg, $severity_level) = $types[$error_level];
$caller = _drupal_get_last_caller(debug_backtrace()); if (!function_exists('filter_xss_admin')) {
require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/common.inc';
} // We treat recoverable errors as fatal.
'%type' => isset($types[$error_level]) ? $severity_msg : 'Unknown error',
// The standard PHP error handler considers that the error messages
// are HTML. We mimick this behavior here.
'!message' => filter_xss_admin($message),
'%function' => $caller['function'],
'%file' => $caller['file'],
'%line' => $caller['line'],
'severity_level' => $severity_level,
), $error_level == E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR);


function _drupal_log_error($error, $fatal = FALSE) {
// Initialize a maintenance theme if the bootstrap was not complete.
// Do it early because drupal_set_message() triggers a drupal_theme_initialize().
if ($fatal && (drupal_get_bootstrap_phase() != DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL)) {
if (!defined('MAINTENANCE_MODE')) {
define('MAINTENANCE_MODE', 'error');
} // When running inside the testing framework, we relay the errors
// to the tested site by the way of HTTP headers.
$test_info = &$GLOBALS['drupal_test_info'];
if (!empty($test_info['in_child_site']) && !headers_sent() && (!defined('SIMPLETEST_COLLECT_ERRORS') || SIMPLETEST_COLLECT_ERRORS)) {
// $number does not use drupal_static as it should not be reset
// as it uniquely identifies each PHP error.
static $number = 0;
$assertion = array(
'function' => $error['%function'],
'file' => $error['%file'],
'line' => $error['%line'],
header('X-Drupal-Assertion-' . $number . ': ' . rawurlencode(serialize($assertion)));
} watchdog('php', '%type: !message in %function (line %line of %file).', $error, $error['severity_level']); if ($fatal) {
drupal_add_http_header('Status', '500 Service unavailable (with message)');
} if (drupal_is_cli()) {
if ($fatal) {
// When called from CLI, simply output a plain text message.
print html_entity_decode(strip_tags(t('%type: !message in %function (line %line of %file).', $error))). "\n";
} if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] == 'XMLHttpRequest') {
if ($fatal) {
if (error_displayable($error)) {
// When called from JavaScript, simply output the error message.
print t('%type: !message in %function (line %line of %file).', $error);
else {
// Display the message if the current error reporting level allows this type
// of message to be displayed, and unconditionnaly in update.php.
if (error_displayable($error)) {
$class = 'error'; // If error type is 'User notice' then treat it as debug information
// instead of an error message, see dd().
if ($error['%type'] == 'User notice') {
$error['%type'] = 'Debug';
$class = 'status';
} drupal_set_message(t('%type: !message in %function (line %line of %file).', $error), $class);
} if ($fatal) {
// We fallback to a maintenance page at this point, because the page generation
// itself can generate errors.
print theme('maintenance_page', array('content' => t('The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.')));

1. 什么是严重错误$fatal?$error_level == E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR,还有异常也是严重错误。
2. 哪些错误可以显示error_displayable($error)==TRUE?这是在Drupal系统配置中设置的:


if ($fatal && (drupal_get_bootstrap_phase() != DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL)) {
if (!defined('MAINTENANCE_MODE')) {
define('MAINTENANCE_MODE', 'error');


$test_info = &$GLOBALS['drupal_test_info'];
if (!empty($test_info['in_child_site']) && !headers_sent() && (!defined('SIMPLETEST_COLLECT_ERRORS') || SIMPLETEST_COLLECT_ERRORS)) {
static $number = 0;
$assertion = array(
'function' => $error['%function'],
'file' => $error['%file'],
'line' => $error['%line'],
header('X-Drupal-Assertion-' . $number . ': ' . rawurlencode(serialize($assertion)));


watchdog('php', '%type: !message in %function (line %line of %file).', $error, $error['severity_level']);

function watchdog($type, $message, $variables = array(), $severity = WATCHDOG_NOTICE, $link = NULL) {
global $user, $base_root; static $in_error_state = FALSE; // It is possible that the error handling will itself trigger an error. In that case, we could
// end up in an infinite loop. To avoid that, we implement a simple static semaphore.
if (!$in_error_state && function_exists('module_implements')) {
$in_error_state = TRUE; // The user object may not exist in all conditions, so 0 is substituted if needed.
$user_uid = isset($user->uid) ? $user->uid : 0; // Prepare the fields to be logged
$log_entry = array(
'type' => $type,
'message' => $message,
'variables' => $variables,
'severity' => $severity,
'link' => $link,
'user' => $user,
'uid' => $user_uid,
'request_uri' => $base_root . request_uri(),
'referer' => isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : '',
'ip' => ip_address(),
// Request time isn't accurate for long processes, use time() instead.
'timestamp' => time(),
); // Call the logging hooks to log/process the message
foreach (module_implements('watchdog') as $module) {
module_invoke($module, 'watchdog', $log_entry);
} // It is critical that the semaphore is only cleared here, in the parent
// watchdog() call (not outside the loop), to prevent recursive execution.
$in_error_state = FALSE;

// dblog模块
function dblog_watchdog(array $log_entry) {
Database::getConnection('default', 'default')->insert('watchdog')
'uid' => $log_entry['uid'],
'type' => substr($log_entry['type'], 0, 64),
'message' => $log_entry['message'],
'variables' => serialize($log_entry['variables']),
'severity' => $log_entry['severity'],
'link' => substr($log_entry['link'], 0, 255),
'location' => $log_entry['request_uri'],
'referer' => $log_entry['referer'],
'hostname' => substr($log_entry['ip'], 0, 128),
'timestamp' => $log_entry['timestamp'],


if ($fatal) {
drupal_add_http_header('Status', '500 Service unavailable (with message)');


if ($fatal) {
if (error_displayable($error)) {
// When called from JavaScript, simply output the error message.
print t('%type: !message in %function (line %line of %file).', $error);


if (error_displayable($error)) {
$class = 'error'; // If error type is 'User notice' then treat it as debug information
// instead of an error message, see dd().
if ($error['%type'] == 'User notice') {
$error['%type'] = 'Debug';
$class = 'status';
} drupal_set_message(t('%type: !message in %function (line %line of %file).', $error), $class);


if ($fatal) {
// We fallback to a maintenance page at this point, because the page generation
// itself can generate errors.
print theme('maintenance_page', array('content' => t('The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.')));


function _drupal_exception_handler($exception) {
require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/errors.inc'; try {
// Log the message to the watchdog and return an error page to the user.
_drupal_log_error(_drupal_decode_exception($exception), TRUE);
catch (Exception $exception2) {
// Another uncaught exception was thrown while handling the first one.
// If we are displaying errors, then do so with no possibility of a further uncaught exception being thrown.
if (error_displayable()) {
print '<h1>Additional uncaught exception thrown while handling exception.</h1>';
print '<h2>Original</h2><p>' . _drupal_render_exception_safe($exception) . '</p>';
print '<h2>Additional</h2><p>' . _drupal_render_exception_safe($exception2) . '</p><hr />';


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