一、Disconnected Mailboxes

1、Finding Disconnected Mailboxes

The first function is called Get-DisconnectedMailbox and the name is pretty much self explanitory. This function will give you a list of all disconnected mailboxes on each of your mailbox servers. Take a look at the following code:

function Get-DisconnectedMailbox {
[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]
$Name = '*'
) $mailboxes = Get-MailboxServer
$mailboxes | %{
$disconn = Get-Mailboxstatistics -Server $_.name | ?{ $_.DisconnectDate -ne $null }
$disconn | ?{$_.displayname -like $Name} |
Select DisplayName,

Note: If you’ve recently deleted a mailbox, but it’s not showing up when running Get-DisconnectedMailbox, you may need to force Exchange to recognize this by running the Clean-MailboxDatabase cmdlet.

2、Purging Disconnected Mailboxes

You purge mailboxes using the Remove-Mailbox cmdlet, specifying the StoreMailboxIdentity and Database for the disconnected mailbox in question. For a good example of this, check out Nitin Gupta’s post on removing disconnected mailboxes.

In an effort to simplify the purging of disconnected mailboxes, I wrote the Remove-DisconnectedMailbox function that is designed to work with Get-DisconnectedMailbox. Here is the code:

function Remove-DisconnectedMailbox {
[Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Mandatory=$true)]
[Parameter(Position=1, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true, Mandatory=$true)]
) process {
Remove-Mailbox @PSBoundParameters
Get-DisconnectedMailbox “Bill Jones” | Remove-DisconnectedMailbox -Confirm:$false
Get-DisconnectedMailbox “Bradford Boyer” | %{Connect-Mailbox -Identity $_.StoreMailboxIdentity -Database ‘DB1′ -User ‘contoso\bboyer’ -Alias ‘bboyer’}



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