gophercloud openstack networking 源码分析
1、network 部分
// Package networks contains functionality for working with Neutron network resources.
// A network is an isolated virtual lay-2 broadcast domain that is typically reserved for
// the tenant who created it (unless you configure the network to be shared). Tenants
// can create multiple networks until the thresholds per-tenant quota is reached
// In the v2.0 Networking API, the network is the main entity. Ports and subnets are
// always associated with a networ
// networking/v2/networks/requests.go
// Create accepts a CreateOpts struct and creates a new network using the values
// provided. This operation does not actually require a request body , i.e. the
// CreateOpts struct argument can be empty.
// The tenant ID that is containd in the URI is the tenant that creates the network.
// An admin user, however, has the option of specifying another tenant ID in the
// CreateOpts struct.
1、func Create(c *gophercloud.ServiceClient, opts CreateOptsBuilder)
1、首先调用b, err := opts.ToNetworkCreateMap(),将CreateOpts结构转换为一个map
2、调用_, r.Err = c.Post(createURL(c), b, &r.Body, nil)
type CreateOpts struct {
AdminStateUp *bool
Name string
Shared *bool
TenantID string
// networking/v2/extensions/layer3/routers/requests.go
// Create accepts a CreateOpts struct and uses the values to create a new
// logical router. When it is created, the router does not have an inernal interface -
// it is not associated to any subnet.
// You can optionally specify an external gateway for a router using the
// GatewayInfo struct. The external gateway for the router must be plugged into
// an external network (it is external if its `router:external` field is set to true)
func Create(c *gophercloud.ServiceClient, opts CreateOptsBuilder) (r CreateResult)
// networking/v2/extensions/layer3/routers/requests.go
// AddInterface attaches a subnet to an internal router interface. You must specify
// either a SubnetID or PortID in the request body. If you specify both, the operation
// will fail and an error will be returned
// If you specify a SubnetID, the gateway IP address for that particular subnet is
// used to create the router interface. Alternatively, if you specify a PortID, the IP
// address associated with the port is used to create the router interface.
// If you reference a port that is associated with multiple IP addresses, or if the port
// is associated with zero IP addresses, the operation will fail and a 400 Bad Request
// error will be returned.
// If you reference a port already in use, the operation will fail and a 409 Conflict
// error will be returned.
// The PortID that is returned using Extract() on the result of this operation can
// either be the same PortID passed in or, on the other hand, the identifier of a new
// port created by this operation. After the operation completes, the device ID of the
// port is set to the router ID, and the device owner attribute is set to
// `network:router_interface`.
func AddInterface(c *gophercloud.ServiceClient, id string, opts AddInterfaceOptsBuilder) (r InterfaceResult)
// Package subnets containsj functionality for working with Neutron subnet resources
// A subnet represents an IP address block that can be used to assign IP addresses
// to virtual instances. Each subnet must have a CIDR and must be associated with a
// network. IPs can either be selected from the whole subnet CIDR or from allocation
// pools specified by the user.
// A subnet can also have a gateway, a list of DNS name servers, and host routes.
// This information is pushed to instances whose interfaces are associated with the
// subnet
// networking/v2/subnets/requests.go
// Create accepts a CreateOpts struct and creates a new subnet using the values
// provided. You must remember to provide a valid NetworkID, CIDR and IP Version.
func Create(c *gophercloud.ServiceClient, opts CreateOptsBuilder) (r CreateResult)
// Package ports contains functionality for working with Neutron port resources.
// A port represents a virtual switch port on a logical network switch. Virtual
// instances attach theri interfaces into ports. The logical port also defines the MAC
// address and the IP address(es) to be assigned to the interfaces plugged into them
// When IP addresses are associated to a port, this is also implies the port is
// associated with a subnet, as the IP address was taken from the allocation pool for
// a specific subnet.
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