In life the most interesting things tend to happen when you are on your way to do something else.


Do you want to persuade me not to give up my current endeavors in learning oral-language and improving my writing skills?

I really feel that the time and energy I spend on these exercises are worthless, with little rewards paid back to me.

Maybe I have such feelings just because I hold a wrong attitude towards such exericises, I think I must complete one or two writings every day just to show that I have the characteristic of perseverance, to show that I didn't trifle away my time.

Actually I am wrong, at least my attitudes are not correct.

If I don't consider such things as something I have to complete every day, but take every time I do them as a chance to improve my skills, it would be easier to finish those goals as well.

Don't give up, and speed up, strive to do more things in the same period of time.

I believe something good will happen in the coming serveral days.

The world is moving so fast these days that the man who says it can't be done is generally interrupted by someone doing it.


From Elbert Hubbard.

Reviewing the history of autonomous vehicles, many technical problems that are pressing on me have been sovled successfully by those pioneers.

And recently I always have a question about that:

Why we have to do the same things that have been done by others?

Now I know even if we have the full set of data and program provided by others, we are certain to encounter with enourmous problems when making them work.

So, can you endue me with a little more wisdom and diligence?

I am so eager to be a pioneer in this edge-cutting fields and make some great commitments to the world.

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