JS 工具类
1. 数组工具类(arrayUtils)
var arrayUtils = {};
(function (object) {
//arguments parameter
object.concat = function (arr) {
if (arguments.length > 0) {
for (i = 1;i < arguments.length; i++) {
return arr;
object.join = function (arr,separator) {
return arr.join(separator);
object.push = function (arr) {
if (arguments.length > 0) {
for (i = 1;i < arguments.length; i++) {
return arr;
object.slice = function (arr,start,end) {
return arr.slice(start,end);
object.sort = function (arr,isDesc) {
arr.sort(function (a,b) {
return a<b?1:-1;
arr.sort(function (a,b) {
return a<b?-1:1;
return arr;
object.unshift = function (arr) {
if (arguments.length > 0) {
for (i = 1;i < arguments.length; i++) {
return arr;
object.inArray=function (arr,targetValue) {
var hasTargetValue=false;
$.each(arr,function (index,item) {
return hasTargetValue;
object.except=function (sourceArray,targetArray) {
var self=this;
var exceptArray=[];
$.each(sourceArray,function (index,item) {
$.each(targetArray,function (index,item) {
return exceptArray;
object.intersect=function (sourceArray,targetArray) {
var self=this;
var intersectArray=[];
$.each(sourceArray,function (index,item) {
return intersectArray;
})(arrayUtils); 2.Cookie工具类(cookieUtils)
var cookieUtils={};
(function (object) {
object.setCookie=function (key,value,expires) {
$.cookie(key, JSON.stringify(data), { expires: expires, path: '/' });
object.getCookie=function (key) {
return $.cookie(key);
object.getServerCookie=function (cookieName,key) {
var cookieValue = $.cookie(cookieName);
var cookieItems = cookieValue.split('&');
var itemValue = '';
$.each(cookieItems, function (index, item) {
if (item.indexOf(key) > -1) {
itemValue = item.match(/=.*/g)[0].replace(/=/, '');
return itemValue;
object.clearCookie=function (key,expires) {
$.cookie(key, null, { expires: expires, path: '/' });
})(cookieUtils); 3.日期工具类(dateTimeUtils)
* Created by JerryChen on 2016/12/30.
var dateTimeUtils = {};
(function (object) {
object.now = function () {
return new Date();
object.toString = function (value, format) {
var returnValue = '';
var placeHolder = '00';
var separator = '';
var formatArray = ['y', 'M', 'd', 'h', 'm', 's'];
var yearFormat = format.match(/y+/g);
var formatLength = 0;
var isContains = false;
if (yearFormat != null && yearFormat[0].length <= 4) {
formatLength += yearFormat[0].length;
var yearValue = value.getFullYear().toString();
separator = format.substr(formatLength, 1);
isContains = inArray(formatArray, separator);
if (isContains) {
separator = "";
} else {
formatLength += 1;
returnValue += yearValue.substr(4 - yearFormat[0].length, yearFormat[0].length) + separator;
var monthFormat = format.match(/M+/g);
if (monthFormat != null && monthFormat[0].length <= 2) {
formatLength += monthFormat[0].length;
var monthValue = (value.getMonth() + 1).toString();
separator = format.substr(formatLength, 1);
isContains = inArray(formatArray, separator);
if (isContains) {
separator = "";
} else {
formatLength += 1;
returnValue += placeHolder.substr(0, 2 - monthFormat[0].length) + monthValue + separator;
var dayFormat = format.match(/d+/g);
if (dayFormat != null && dayFormat[0].length <= 2) {
formatLength += dayFormat[0].length;
var dayValue = value.getDate().toString();
separator = format.substr(formatLength, 1);
isContains = inArray(formatArray, separator);
if (isContains) {
separator = " ";
} else {
formatLength += 1;
returnValue += placeHolder.substr(0, 2 - dayFormat[0].length) + dayValue + separator;
var hourFormat = format.match(/h+/g);
if (hourFormat != null && hourFormat[0].length <= 2) {
formatLength += hourFormat[0].length;
var hourValue = value.getHours().toString();
separator = format.substr(formatLength, 1);
isContains = inArray(formatArray, separator);
if (isContains) {
separator = "";
} else {
formatLength += 1;
returnValue += placeHolder.substr(0, 2 - hourFormat[0].length) + hourValue + separator;
var minutesFormat = format.match(/m+/g);
if (minutesFormat != null && minutesFormat[0].length <= 2) {
formatLength += minutesFormat[0].length;
var minutesValue = value.getMinutes().toString();
separator = format.substr(formatLength, 1);
isContains = inArray(formatArray, separator);
if (isContains) {
separator = "";
} else {
formatLength += 1;
returnValue += placeHolder.substr(0, 2 - minutesFormat[0].length) + minutesValue + separator;
secondsFormat = format.match(/s+/g);
if (secondsFormat != null && secondsFormat[0].length <= 2) {
var secondsValue = value.getSeconds();
returnValue += placeHolder.substr(0, 2 - secondsFormat[0].length) + secondsValue;
return returnValue;
function inArray(array, targetValue) {
var flag = false;
$.each(array, function (index, item) {
if (targetValue == item) {
flag = true;
return flag;
object.dateDiff = function (startDate, endDate, format) {
if (format == "dd") {
return (endDate.getTime()-startDate.getTime())/86400000;
} else if (format == "hh") {
return Math.ceil((endDate.getTime()-startDate.getTime())/3600000);
} else if (format == "mm") {
return Math.ceil((endDate.getTime()-startDate.getTime())/60000);
} else if (format == "ss") {
return Math.ceil((endDate.getTime()-startDate.getTime())/1000);
object.addDays = function (value, days) {
return new Date(value.getTime() + days * 86400000);
object.addHours = function (value, hours) {
return new Date(value.getTime() + hours * 3600000);
object.addMinutes = function (value, minutes) {
return new Date(value.getTime() + minutes * 60000);
object.addSeconds = function (value, seconds) {
return new Date(value.getTime() + seconds * 1000);
})(dateTimeUtils); 4.枚举工具类(enumUtils)
* Created by JerryChen on 2016/12/31.
var enumUtils={};
(function (object) {
object.getEnumValue=function (enumSource,key) {
return enumSource[key];
object.getEnumData=function (enumSource) {
var data=[];
for (item in enumSource){
return data;
}; })(enumUtils); 5.Json工具类(jsonUtils)
* Created by JerryChen on 2016/12/31.
var jsonUtils={};
(function (object) {
object.grepJsonArray=function (dataSource,filterRule) {
//var defaultRule=[{"FilterField":"","Value":"","Operator":""}];
$.each(filterRule,function (index,item) {
if (item.Operator=="="){
dataSource= $.grep(dataSource, function (item, index) {
return item.FilterField == item.Value;
}, false);
if (item.Operator=="!="){
dataSource= $.grep(dataSource, function (item, index) {
return item.FilterField != item.Value;
}, false);
return dataSource;
* @return {boolean}
object.isNotNullOrEmpty=function (dataSource) {
return dataSource!=undefined&&dataSource!=null&&dataSource.length>0; };
object.isNotEmptyObject=function (dataSource) {
return !$.isEmptyObject(dataSource);
object.getObjectProperty=function (dataSource,propertyName) {
return dataSource[propertyName];
object.removeObjectProperty=function (dataSource,propertyName) {
delete dataSource[propertyName];
return dataSource;
} })(jsonUtils); 6.Mapper工具类(mapperUtils)
* Created by JerryChen on 2016/12/31.
var mapperUtils={};
(function (object) {
object.extend=function (dataSource,dataTarget) {
return dataTarget;
})(mapperUtils); 7.Number工具类(numberUtils)
* Created by JerryChen on 2016/12/30.
var numberUtils = {};
(function (object) {
object.isNumber = function (value) {
if (/\d+/.test(value)) {
return true;
return false;
object.toInt = function (value) {
if (this.isNumber(value)) {
return parseInt(value);
} else {
return value;
object.toDouble = function (value, number) {
return value.toFixed(number);
object.toFloat = function (value) {
return parseFloat(value);
object.max = function () {
var maxValue;
if (arguments.length > 0) {
if (arguments.length == 1) {
arguments[0].sort(function (a, b) {
return a > b ? -1 : 1;
maxValue = arguments[0][0];
} else {
var arr=[];
arr.sort(function (a, b) {
return a > b ? -1 : 1;
maxValue = arr[0];
return maxValue;
object.min = function () {
var minValue;
if (arguments.length > 0) {
if (arguments.length == 1) {
arguments[0].sort(function (a, b) {
return a > b ? 1 : -1;
minValue = arguments[0][0];
} else {
var arr=[];
arr.sort(function (a, b) {
return a > b ? 1 : -1;
maxValue = arr[0];
return minValue;
})(numberUtils); 8.String工具类(stringUtils)
* Created by JerryChen on 2016/12/30.
var stringUtils={};
(function (object) {
object.subString=function (value,start,length) {
return value.substr(start,length);
object.truncate=function (value,maxLength,suffix) {
return value;
object.length=function (value) {
return value.length;
}else {
return 0;
object.endTrim=function (value) {
return value;
object.isNotNull=function (value) {
return value!=undefined&&value!=null;
object.isNotNullOrEmpty=function (value) {
return value!=undefined&&value!=null&&value!="";
object.isEqual=function (value,compareWith) {
return value==compareWith;
object.indexOf=function (value,targetValue) {
return value.indexOf(targetValue);
})(stringUtils); 9.Url工具类(urlUtils)
* Created by JerryChen on 2016/12/31.
var urlUtils={};
(function (object) {
object.getParam= function (search,paramName) {
var reg = new RegExp("(^|&)" + paramName + "=([^&]*)(&|$)");
var result = search.substr(1).match(reg);
if (result != null) {
return decodeURIComponent(result[2]);
} else {
return undefined;
object.getHost=function () {
return window.location.host;
})(urlUtils); 10.StringBuilder
function StringBuilder() {
this._string = new Array();
StringBuilder.prototype.append = function (str) {
return this;
StringBuilder.prototype.appendLine = function (str) {
this._string.push(str + "\n");
return this;
StringBuilder.prototype.appendFormat = function (value) {
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
var placeHolder = "\\{" + (i - 1) + "\\}";
var reg = new RegExp(placeHolder, "g");
value = value.replace(reg, arguments[i]);
return this;
StringBuilder.prototype.toString = function () {
return this._string.join("");
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