WA了很多次, w/2 >= r这里,w一直用整数,一直wa
#include <string>
namespace cc
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::cin;
using std::map;
using std::vector;
using std::string;
using std::sort;
using std::priority_queue;
using std::greater;
using std::vector;
using std::swap;
using std::stack;
using std::bitset; class Input
double s = ;
double e = ;
}; constexpr int N = ; int n, l, w;
Input ins[N]; int min = ; bool cmp(const Input& in1, const Input& in2)
return in1.s < in2.s;
} int flag = ;
void search()
double curL = ;
double curR = ;
for (int i = ;i < n; )
int j = i;
while (j < n && ins[j].s <= curL)
if (ins[j].e >= curR)
curR = ins[j].e;
if (i == j)
i = j;
curL = curR;
if (curL >= l)
flag = ;
} } } void solve()
while (cin >> n >> l >> w)
double p, r;
min = ; flag = ;
int total = ;
int isok = ;
for (int i = ;i < n;i++)
cin >> p >> r;
if (w*1.0 / >= r)
double x = sqrt((r*r - (w*w*0.25)));
Input in;
in.s = p - x;
in.e = p + x;
if (in.s < )
in.s = ;
ins[total++] = in;
if (in.e >= l)
isok = ;
if (!isok)
cout << "-1" << endl;
} n = total;
sort(ins, ins + n, cmp);
if (flag == )
cout << - << endl;
cout << min << endl;
} }; int main()
{ #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE
freopen("d://1.text", "r", stdin);
#endif // !ONLINE_JUDGE
cc::solve(); return ;
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UVa 10382 - Watering Grass n sprinklers are installed in a horizontal strip of grass l meters long a ...
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