
词汇(Key Word )

art  美术;艺术

business  商科

engineering  工程学

graphic design  平面造型学

history  历史

information teachnology  (IT)

law 法律

math 数学

nursing  护理

science 理科

tourism 旅游学

hospitality 服务业;酒店业

projector  n. [仪] 投影仪;放映机;探照灯;设计者

globe  地球仪

printer 打印机

bookcase 书架

closet  壁柜

cabinet  n. 内阁;橱柜;展览艺术品的小陈列室

bookrack n. 书架;阅览架         bookshelf  n. 书架

storage box  贮藏箱;存储箱

flag 旗帜


1. Where is Luis a students?  路易斯在哪里?

He studies in Simon Bolivar University in Caracas Venezuela

He's a student in Simon Bolivar University in Caracas Venezuela

2. What is he studying?  他在学什么?

He's studying music with EI sistema

3. What classes is he taking?  他在上什么课?

He's taking math, science and histrory

4. What is he preparing for?  他在准备什么?

He's preparing for the colleg entrance exam.

I'm majoring in English at xxx University.   # 我在xxx大学主修英语。

I'm taking a law class      # 我在上法律课

I'm preparing V1 to V2 exam

In this issue of Study Abroad magazine, Emma Moore is talking to Nicolas Ruiz,a student from argentina.He's studying in Hong Kong this term.

在这期《出国留学》杂志上,Emma Moore正在和来自阿根廷的学生Nicolas Ruiz谈话。他这个学期在香港学习。

#  Abroad magazine  国外杂志

E: So,Nicolas, tell our readers a little about yourself.


N: Well, I'm from Argentina.At home, I'm a student at the University of Buenos Aires.This Term,I'm studying at the University of science and Technology,here in Hong Kong.

好的,我的家乡来自阿根廷,我是一名 the University of Buenos Aires的学生。这个学期我在香港科学技术大学里学习。

E: Why this school?


N: Well, I'm majoring in business, and the University of Science and Technology has a great business school.


E: So, how's it  going?


N: Great! The classes are really interesting, and I'm learning a lot.There are also students from all over the world here.


E: Where are you living?


N: I'm in a dorm with a roommate. He's from Malaysia and he's really nice.


E: Glad to hear it. So, tell us about school. Which classes are you taking?


N: I'm taking three business classes and one Chinese class.


E: How's your Chinese?


N: It's OK. My speaking is improving. Now I can talk to people outside of school.


E: Excellent.So, are you enjoying Hong Kong?


N: Oh,yeah. I'm having a great time.There's a lot to do and see. It's a really exciting and beautiful city.


E: That's wonderful. Thanks a lot for your time, Nicolas, and good luck with your studies!



The Present Continuous Tense

What are you doing these days?

Are you enjoying Hong Kong?

I'm studying in HongKong this term.

Yes, I'm having a great time!

Z: Hey, Leo!

L: Hi, Zack!

Z: How are you doing?

L: I'm all right.How about you?

Z: Not bad. So,What are you doing these days?

L: I'm studying  at State University.

Z: Really? What are you in?

L: Graphic design. What about you? Are you working or Are you going to school?

Z: Both. [boθ] I am woking part-time(adj. 兼职的;部分时间的) at a cafe. I am taking two classes at City College this term,too

L: What are you studying?

Z: Photography and art history  摄影艺术史

L: Are you enjoying the classes?

Z: Yeah.They're fun and I am learning a lot.

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