
While implementing the x64 built-in assembler for Delphi 64bit, I got to “know” the AMD64/EM64T architecture a lot more. The good thing about the x64 architecture is that it really builds on the existing instruction format and design. However, unlike the move from 16bit to 32bit where most existing instruction encodings were automatically promoted to using 32bit arguments, the x64 design takes a different approach.

One myth about the x64 instructions is that “everything’s wider.” That’s not the case. In fact many addressing modes which were taken as absolute addresses (actually offsets within a segment, but the segments are 4G in 32bit), are actually now 32bit relative offsets now. There are very few addressing modes which use a full 64bit absolute address. Most addressing modes are 32bit offsets relative to one of the 64bit registers. One interesting addressing mode that is “implied” in many instruction encodings is the notion of RIP-relative addressing. RIP, is the 64bit equivalent of the 32bit EIP, or 16bit IP, or Instruction Pointer. This represents from which address the CPU will fetch the next instruction for execution. Most hard-coded addresses within many instructions are now relative offsets from the current RIP register. This is probably the biggest thing you have to wrap your head around when moving from 32bit assembler.

Even though many instructions will implicitly use the RIP-relative addressing mode, there are some instruction addressing modes that continue to use a 32bit offset, and are not RIP-relative. This can really bite you when doing simple mechanical translations from 32bit to 64bit. These are the SIB form with a 32bit (or even 8bit) offset. What can happen is that you end up forming an address that can only address 32bits, and is thus limited to addressing items below the 4G boundary! And this is a perfectly legal instruction! To demonstration this, consider the following 32bit assembler that we’ll translate to 64bits.

TestArray: array[0..255] of Word; function GetValue(Index: Integer): Word;
MOV AX,[EAX * 2 + TestArray]

Let’s now translate this for use in 64bit using a simple mechanical translation.

TestArray: array[0..255] of Word; function GetValue(Index: Integer): Word;
MOV AX,[RAX * 2 + TestArray]

Pretty straight forward, right? Not so fast there partner. Let’s see;
I know that I need to use a full 64bit register for the offset but
since Integer is still 32bits, I need to “sign-extend” it to 64bits. The
venerable MOVSX (Move with sign extension) instruction “promotes” the
signed 32bit offset to 64bits while preserving the sign. Nope, that’s
not a problem. The only thing I changed in the next instruction was EAX
to RAX, so how could that be a problem? Well, when you compile this code
you’ll get a rather strange error message:

[DCC Error] Project7.dpr(18): E2577 Assembler instruction requires a 32bit absolute address fixup which is invalid for 64bit

Huh? Remember the little note above about the SIB instruction form?
Because the RAX (or EAX in 32bit) register is being scaled (the * 2),
this instruction must use the SIB (Scale-Index-Base) instruction form.
When using the SIB form RIP isn’t considered when calculating the actual
address. Additionally, the offset encoded in the instruction can still
only be 8 or 32bits. No 64bit offsets.

In 32bit, the compiler would generate a “fixup” to ensure that the
encoding of the instruction offset field to the global “TestArray”
variable was properly “fixed up” at runtime should the image happened to
be relocated to another address. This is a 32bit absolute address. The
64bit version of this instruction, while actually a truly valid
instruction, would only have 32bits in which to place the address of
“TestArray.” The “fixup” generated would have to remain 32bit. This
could lead to creating an image that were it ever relocated above the 4G
boundary, would likely crash at best or read the wrong memory address
at worst!

Ok, so now what? There is a SIB form that we can use to work
around this problem, but it requires burning another register. The good
news is that we now have another 8 registers with which to work. So if
you have a rather complicated chunk of 32bit assembler code that burns
up all the existing usable 32bit registers, you now have another group
of registers that can help solve this problem without having to rework
the code even more. So here’s how to fix this for 64 bit:

TestArray: array[0..255] of Word; function GetValue(Index: Integer): Word;
LEA R10,[TestArray]
MOV AX,[RAX * 2 + R10]

Here, I used the volatile R10 register (R8 an R9 are used for
parameter passing) to get the absolute address of TestArray using the
LEA instruction. While the “address” portion of this instruction is
still 32bits, it is taken as RIP-relative. In other words, this value is
the “distance” from the next instruction to the variable TestArray in
memory. After this instruction, R10 now contains a true 64bit address of
the TestArray variable. I must still use the SIB form in the next
instruction, but instead of a hard-coded “offset” I use the value in
R10. Yes, there is still an implicit offset of 0, which uses the 8bit
offset form.

You can see that mindless, mechanical translations of assembler code
is likely to cause you some grief due to some of the subtle changes in
instruction behaviors. For this very reason, we strongly recommend you
use all Object Pascal code instead of resorting to assembler when
possible. This will not only better ensure that your code will more
likely move unchanged to other processor architectures (think ARM here
folks), but you’ll not have to worry about such assembler gotchas in the
future. If you’re using assembler code because “it’s faster,” I would
encourage you to look closely at the algorithm used. There are many
cases where the proper algorithm written in Object Pascal will yield
greater gains than a simple translation to assembler using the same
algorithm. Yes there are some things which you simply must do in
assembler (strange, off-beat calling conventions, “LOCK” instructions
for concurrency, etc…), but I would contend that many assembler
functions can be moved back to Object Pascal with little impact on

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