J2CACHE 两级缓存框架
缓存框架我们有ehcache 和 redis 分别是 本地内存缓存和 分布式缓存框架。在实际情况下如果单台机器 使用ehcache 就可以满足需求了,速度快效率高,有些数据如果需要多台机器共享这个时候怎么办呢,我们需要通过redis,将缓存存放到redis上面。
L1: 进程内缓存(caffeine\ehcache)
L2: Redis/Memcached 集中式缓存
读取顺序 -> L1 -> L2
缓存先读取L1 ,不存在则读取L2
1 从数据库中读取最新数据,依次更新 L1 -> L2 ,发送广播清除某个缓存信息
2 接收到广播(手工清除缓存 & 一级缓存自动失效),从 L1 中清除指定的缓存信息
创建一个maven 项目
- <dependency><!-- Ehcache 3.x //-->
- <groupId>org.ehcache</groupId>
- <artifactId>ehcache</artifactId>
- <version>3.4.0</version>
- </dependency>
- <dependency>
- <groupId>net.oschina.j2cache</groupId>
- <artifactId>j2cache-core</artifactId>
- <version>2.7.7-release</version>
- </dependency>
- #J2Cache configuration
- #########################################
- # Cache Broadcast Method
- # values:
- # jgroups -> use jgroups's multicast
- # redis -> use redis publish/subscribe mechanism (using jedis)
- # lettuce -> use redis publish/subscribe mechanism (using lettuce, Recommend)
- # rabbitmq -> use RabbitMQ publisher/consumer mechanism
- # rocketmq -> use RocketMQ publisher/consumer mechanism
- # none -> don't notify the other nodes in cluster
- # xx.xxxx.xxxx.Xxxxx your own cache broadcast policy classname that implement net.oschina.j2cache.cluster.ClusterPolicy
- #########################################
- j2cache.broadcast = redis
- #########################################
- # Level 1&2 provider
- # values:
- # none -> disable this level cache
- # ehcache -> use ehcache2 as level 1 cache
- # ehcache3 -> use ehcache3 as level 1 cache
- # caffeine -> use caffeine as level 1 cache(only in memory)
- # redis -> use redis as level 2 cache (using jedis)
- # lettuce -> use redis as level 2 cache (using lettuce)
- # readonly-redis -> use redis as level 2 cache ,but never write data to it. if use this provider, you must uncomment `j2cache.L2.config_section` to make the redis configurations available.
- # memcached -> use memcached as level 2 cache (xmemcached),
- # [classname] -> use custom provider
- #########################################
- j2cache.L1.provider_class = ehcache3
- j2cache.L2.provider_class = redis
- # When L2 provider isn't `redis`, using `L2.config_section = redis` to read redis configurations
- # j2cache.L2.config_section = redis
- # Enable/Disable ttl in redis cache data (if disabled, the object in redis will never expire, default:true)
- # NOTICE: redis hash mode (redis.storage = hash) do not support this feature)
- j2cache.sync_ttl_to_redis = true
- # Whether to cache null objects by default (default false)
- j2cache.default_cache_null_object = true
- #########################################
- # Cache Serialization Provider
- # values:
- # fst -> using fast-serialization (recommend)
- # kyro -> using kyro serialization
- # json -> using fst's json serialization (testing)
- # fastjson -> using fastjson serialization (embed non-static class not support)
- # java -> java standard
- # [classname implements Serializer]
- #########################################
- j2cache.serialization = fst
- #json.map.person = net.oschina.j2cache.demo.Person
- #########################################
- # Ehcache configuration
- #########################################
- # ehcache.configXml = /ehcache.xml
- # ehcache3.configXml = /ehcache3.xml
- # ehcache3.defaultHeapSize = 1000
- #########################################
- # Redis connection configuration
- #########################################
- #########################################
- # Redis Cluster Mode
- #
- # single -> single redis server
- # sentinel -> master-slaves servers
- # cluster -> cluster servers (\u93c1\u7248\u5d41\u6434\u64bb\u53a4\u7f03\ue1bd\u68e4\u93c1\u582c\u7d1d\u6d63\u8de8\u6564 database = 0\u951b\ufffd
- # sharded -> sharded servers (\u7035\u55d9\u721c\u9286\u4f79\u669f\u93b9\ue1bc\u7c31\u8e47\u5474\u300f\u9366\ufffd hosts \u6d93\ue15f\u5bda\u7039\u6c3e\u7d1d\u6d93\u65c7\u7e5b\u93ba\u30e6\u775c\u95b0\u5d87\u7586\u93c3\u72b3\u6665 ; redis://user:password@\u951b\ufffd
- #
- #########################################
- redis.mode = sentinel
- #redis storage mode (generic|hash)
- redis.storage = generic
- ## redis pub/sub channel name
- redis.channel = j2cache
- ## redis pub/sub server (using redis.hosts when empty)
- redis.channel.host =
- #cluster name just for sharded
- redis.cluster_name = mymaster
- ## redis cache namespace optional, default[empty]
- redis.namespace =
- ## connection
- # Separate multiple redis nodes with commas, such as,,
- redis.hosts =,,
- redis.timeout = 10000
- redis.password =
- redis.database = 0
- ## redis pool properties
- redis.maxTotal = 100
- redis.maxIdle = 10
- redis.maxWaitMillis = 5000
- redis.minEvictableIdleTimeMillis = 60000
- redis.minIdle = 1
- redis.numTestsPerEvictionRun = 10
- redis.lifo = false
- redis.softMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis = 10
- redis.testOnBorrow = true
- redis.testOnReturn = false
- redis.testWhileIdle = true
- redis.timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis = 300000
- redis.blockWhenExhausted = false
- redis.jmxEnabled = false
- j2cache.broadcast = redis
L1,L2 缓存实现方法
- j2cache.L1.provider_class = ehcache3
- j2cache.L2.provider_class = redis
redis 使用哨兵模式进行配置。
- public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
- CacheChannel cache = J2Cache.getChannel();
- while(true){
- System.out.println(cache.get("user", "name"));
- Thread.sleep(2000);
- }
- }
这个代码会一直读取 user:name 的缓存。
我们需要测试的是,当一个客户端设置一个 user:name 的缓存时,这个代码能反映缓存的变化。
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- CacheChannel cache = J2Cache.getChannel();
- cache.set("user", "name", "A");
- cache.close();
- }
它会先从 redis读取,在读取本地。
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- CacheChannel cache = J2Cache.getChannel();
- cache.set("user", "name", "B");
- cache.close();
- }
第二次我们这个name 为 B,这个时候我们可以发现:
缓存变成了B ,而且是先读取 REDIS ,在读取 EHCACHE缓存,即先读取 L2 再读取L1。
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