/* A custom doubly linked list implemenation */

 # include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <math.h> # include "global.h"
# include "rand.h" /* Insert an element X into the list at location specified by NODE */
void insert (list *node, int x)
list *temp;
if (node==NULL)
printf("\n Error!! asked to enter after a NULL pointer, hence exiting \n");
temp = (list *)malloc(sizeof(list));
temp->index = x;
temp->child = node->child;
temp->parent = node;
if (node->child != NULL)
node->child->parent = temp;
node->child = temp;
} /* Delete the node NODE from the list */
list* del (list *node)
list *temp;
if (node==NULL)
printf("\n Error!! asked to delete a NULL pointer, hence exiting \n");
temp = node->parent;
temp->child = node->child;
if (temp->child!=NULL)
temp->child->parent = temp;
free (node);
return (temp);
typedef struct lists
int index;
struct lists *parent;
struct lists *child;
} list;

list  结构体中有两个指针,可构成双向链表,数值空间存放   索引序号  。

insert  函数

申请一块新的内存空间,放在在 list  指针   指向的空间之后。

del  函数

将  list  指向 的个体空间释放。

以上两个操作在插入,删除操作后都有修改指针操作,保证原有链表 的  上下链接正常。

多目标遗传算法 ------ NSGA-II (部分源码解析)辅助变量 双链表操作 list.c的更多相关文章

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