66. Plus One
class Solution {
vector<int> plusOne(vector<int> &digits) {
// IMPORTANT: Please reset any member data you declared, as
// the same Solution instance will be reused for each test case.
int a = ;
vector<int> ans;
vector<int>::iterator it;
for(int i = digits.size() - ;i >= ;i--)
it = ans.begin();
int b = (a + digits[i]) % ;
a = (a + digits[i]) / ;
ans.insert(it, b);
if(a != )
it = ans.begin();
ans.insert(it, a);
} return ans;
67. Add Binary
class Solution {
string addBinary(string a, string b) {
int lenA,lenB;
lenA = a.length();
lenB = b.length();
string res=""; if ( == lenA)
return b;
if ( == lenB)
return a;
int ia=lenA-,ib=lenB-;
int count=,temp;//进位
char c;
while (ia>=&&ib>=)
temp = a[ia]-''+b[ib]-''+count;
count = temp/;
c = temp%+'';
res = c+res;
} while (ia>=)
temp = a[ia]-''+count;
count = temp/;
c = temp%+'';
res = c+res;
} while (ib>=)
temp = b[ib]-''+count;
count = temp/;
c = temp%+'';
res = c+res;
if(count != )
res = c+res;
return res; }
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