




if (idx <= middle) {
this->updateHelper(curIdx << 1, leftIdx, middle, idx, val);
else {
this->updateHelper((curIdx << 1) | 1, middle+1, rightIdx, idx, val);



#include "../PreLoad.h"

class Solution {
class NumArray {
struct Node {
int val;
int sum;
}; vector<Node> nodes;
vector<int> nums; NumArray(vector<int> nums) {
this->nums = nums;
this->nodes.reserve(4 * nums.size());
for (int i = 1; i <= 4 * nums.size(); i++) {
Node node;
node.val = 0;
node.sum = 0;
} this->buildTree(1, 1, (int)nums.size());
} // 单点更新
void update(int i, int val) {
if (i < 0 || i > this->nums.size()) {
return ;
} this->updateHelper(1, 1, (int)this->nums.size(), i+1, val);
this->nums[i] = val;
} int sumRange(int i, int j) {
if (i > j) {
return 0;
} return this->sumHelper(1, 1, (int)this->nums.size(), i+1, j+1);
} protected:
void buildTree(int curIdx, int leftIdx, int rightIdx) {
if (leftIdx == rightIdx) {
this->nodes[curIdx].val = this->nums[leftIdx-1];
this->nodes[curIdx].sum = this->nums[leftIdx-1];
return ;
else if (leftIdx > rightIdx) {
return ;
} int middle = (leftIdx + rightIdx) / 2;
this->buildTree(curIdx << 1, leftIdx, middle);
this->buildTree((curIdx << 1) | 1, middle+1, rightIdx); this->updateFromSon(curIdx);
} void updateFromSon(int curIdx) {
int leftIdx = curIdx << 1;
int rightIdx = leftIdx | 1; this->nodes[curIdx].sum = this->nodes[leftIdx].sum + this->nodes[rightIdx].sum;
} int sumHelper(int curIdx, int leftIdx, int rightIdx, int leftRange, int rightRange) {
// 不在范围内
if (leftIdx > rightRange || rightIdx < leftRange) {
return 0;
} // 在范围内
if (leftIdx >= leftRange && rightIdx <= rightRange) {
return this->nodes[curIdx].sum;
} int middle = (leftIdx + rightIdx) / 2;
int left = sumHelper(curIdx << 1, leftIdx, middle, leftRange, rightRange);
int right = sumHelper((curIdx << 1) | 1, middle+1, rightIdx, leftRange, rightRange);
return left + right;
} void updateHelper(int curIdx, int leftIdx, int rightIdx, int idx, int val) {
if (leftIdx > rightIdx) {
} if (leftIdx == rightIdx) {
if (idx == leftIdx) {
this->nodes[curIdx].val = val;
this->nodes[curIdx].sum = val;
return ;
} int middle = (leftIdx + rightIdx) / 2;
if (idx <= middle) {
this->updateHelper(curIdx << 1, leftIdx, middle, idx, val);
else {
this->updateHelper((curIdx << 1) | 1, middle+1, rightIdx, idx, val);
} this->updateFromSon(curIdx);
}; void test() {
vector<int> nums = {7, 2, 7, 2, 0}; NumArray *obj = new NumArray(nums);
int idx, val;
while (cin >> idx >> val) {
obj->update(idx, val); int sum = obj->sumRange(0, 4);
cout << "sum: " << sum << endl;
* Your NumArray object will be instantiated and called as such:
* NumArray obj = new NumArray(nums);
* obj.update(i,val);
* int param_2 = obj.sumRange(i,j);

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