

  1. /*===================玩家参数==========================*/
  2. var myPlane; //英雄对象
  3. var leftbtn = false; //左移动标志
  4. var rightbtn = false; //右移动标志
  5. var topbtn = false; //上移动标志
  6. var bottombtn = false; //下移动标志
  7. var shot = false; //射击标志
  8. //var bulletStatus = false; //子弹
  9. var score = 0; //得分
  10. var killNum = 0; //杀敌数
  11. var shotboom = false; //必杀标志
  12. var pass = 1;//关卡
  13. var mainobj = document.getElementById("main"); //获取游戏div元素
  14. /*===================集合==========================*/
  15. var bulletList = new Array(); //英雄子弹集合
  16. var boomList = new Array(); //必杀集合
  17. var boosList = new Array(); //boos集合
  18. var enemyList = new Array(); //敌机集合
  19. var boosBullet = new Array(); //boos子弹集合
  20. var toolList = new Array(); //道具集合
  21. /*====================计时器=========================*/
  22. var ctrlmove; //英雄移动计时器
  23. var ctrlshot; //英雄射击计时器
  24. var bulletfly; //子弹移动计时器
  25. var createenemy; //敌机生成计时器
  26. var enemymove; //敌机移动计时器
  27. var hitplane; //击中判断计时器
  28. var exist; //判断对象存在与否计时器


  1. /**
  2. * 飞机对象
  3. * @param {Object} src 飞机图片路径
  4. * @param {Object} x x坐标
  5. * @param {Object} y y坐标
  6. * @param {Object} speed 飞机移动速度
  7. * @param {Object} blood 飞机血量
  8. */
  9. function createPlane(src, x, y, speed, blood) {
  10. this.planeNode = document.createElement("img"); //飞机图片节点,用于主界面中显示
  11. this.src = src;
  12. this.x = x;
  13. this.y = y;
  14. this.speed = speed;
  15. this.blood = blood;
  16. this.level = 1; //等级
  17. this.boom = 5; //必杀数量
  18. //飞机左移动,需要判断是否飞出主界面左侧,如果移出,则从右边出现
  19. this.leftMove = function() {
  20. if (this.planeNode.style.left == "-60px")
  21. this.planeNode.style.left = "440px";
  22. else {
  23. this.planeNode.style.left=parseInt(this.planeNode.style.left) - this.speed +"px";
  24. }
  25. };
  26. //飞机右移动,需要判断是否飞出界面,飞出则从左边出现
  27. this.rightMove = function() {
  28. if (this.planeNode.style.left == "440px"){
  29. this.planeNode.style.left = "-60px";
  30. }
  31. else {
  32. this.planeNode.style.left=parseInt(this.planeNode.style.left) + this.speed +"px";
  33. }
  34. };
  35. //飞机上移动,当移动到一定值时则不能移动
  36. this.topMove = function() {
  37. if (this.planeNode.style.top == "-10px"){
  39. }
  40. else {
  41. this.planeNode.style.top=parseInt(this.planeNode.style.top) - this.speed +"px";
  42. }
  43. };
  44. //飞机下移动,当移动到一定值时,则不能移动
  45. this.botoomMove = function() {
  46. if (this.planeNode.style.top == "600px"){
  48. }
  49. else {
  50. this.planeNode.style.top=parseInt(this.planeNode.style.top) + this.speed +"px";
  51. }
  52. };
  54. //在页面上创建飞机,设置css属性
  55. this.create = function() {
  56. this.planeNode.src = this.src;
  57. this.planeNode.style.position = "absolute";
  58. this.planeNode.style.left = this.x + "px";
  59. this.planeNode.style.top = this.y + "px";
  60. this.planeNode.style.zIndex = 6;
  61. mainobj.appendChild(this.planeNode);//在游戏界面中添加飞机节点并显示
  62. };
  63. //发射子弹
  64. this.shot = function(){
  65. var bullet1 = new createBullet("img/img_bullet.png",parseInt(this.planeNode.style.left),parseInt(this.planeNode.style.top),this.speed);
  66. bulletList.push(bullet1);
  67. var bullet2 = new createBullet("img/img_bullet.png",parseInt(this.planeNode.style.left)+50,parseInt(this.planeNode.style.top),this.speed);
  68. bulletList.push(bullet2);
  69. }
  70. //释放必杀
  71. this.shotBoom=function(){
  72. if(this.boom>0){
  73. var boom1 = new createBullet("img/daodan1.png",parseInt(this.planeNode.style.left)+20,parseInt(this.planeNode.style.top),this.speed);
  74. boomList.push(boom1);
  75. this.boom--;
  76. }
  77. }
  79. this.create();
  80. }


  1. /**
  2. * 敌人飞机对象
  3. * @param {Object} src
  4. * @param {Object} x
  5. * @param {Object} y
  6. * @param {Object} speed
  7. * @param {Object} blood
  8. */
  9. function createEnemyPlane(src,x,y,speed,blood){
  10. this.src = src;
  11. this.x = x;
  12. this.y = y;
  13. this.blood = blood;
  14. this.speed = speed;
  15. this.isdead = false; //是否死亡
  16. this.deadtime = 10; //移除时间(计时器时间*10),用于爆炸效果
  17. this.enemyNode = document.createElement("img");
  19. this.create = function(){
  20. this.enemyNode.src = this.src;
  21. this.enemyNode.style.position = "absolute";
  22. this.enemyNode.style.left = this.x +"px";
  23. this.enemyNode.style.top = this.y+"px";
  24. this.enemyNode.style.zIndex = 6;
  25. mainobj.appendChild(this.enemyNode);
  26. };
  28. this.move = function(){
  29. this.enemyNode.style.top=parseInt(this.enemyNode.style.top) + this.speed +"px";
  30. };
  32. this.rightMove=function(){
  33. this.enemyNode.style.left=parseInt(this.enemyNode.style.left) + this.speed +"px";
  34. };
  36. this.leftMove=function(){
  37. this.enemyNode.style.left=parseInt(this.enemyNode.style.left) - this.speed +"px";
  38. };
  40. this.shot=function(){
  42. };
  43. /**
  44. * boos射击
  45. * 很据英雄的level不同,boos的子弹不同
  46. */
  47. this.boosShot=function(){
  48. if(myPlane.level==1){
  49. var bullet = new createBullet("img/wp2.png",parseInt(this.enemyNode.style.left)+22,parseInt(this.enemyNode.style.top),this.speed);
  50. boosBullet.push(bullet);
  51. }
  52. if(myPlane.level==3){
  53. var bullet = new createBullet("img/wp3.png",parseInt(this.enemyNode.style.left)+26,parseInt(this.enemyNode.style.top),this.speed);
  54. boosBullet.push(bullet);
  55. }
  56. };
  57. this.create();
  59. }


  1. /**
  2. * 子弹对象
  3. * @param {Object} src
  4. * @param {Object} x
  5. * @param {Object} y
  6. * @param {Object} speed
  7. */
  8. function createBullet(src,x,y,speed){
  9. this.src = src;
  10. this.x = x;
  11. this.y = y;
  12. this.speed = speed;
  13. this.ishit = false; //子弹是否击中
  14. this.boomStop = 50; //必杀移动时间
  15. this.boomTime = 100; //必杀移除时间
  16. this.bulletNode = document.createElement("img");
  18. this.create = function(){
  19. this.bulletNode.src = src;
  20. this.bulletNode.style.position = "absolute";
  21. this.bulletNode.style.left = this.x+"px";
  22. this.bulletNode.style.top = this.y + "px";
  23. this.bulletNode.style.zIndex = 6;
  24. mainobj.appendChild(this.bulletNode);
  25. };
  27. this.move = function(){
  28. this.bulletNode.style.top = parseInt(this.bulletNode.style.top)-this.speed +"px";
  29. };
  31. this.downMove=function(){
  32. this.bulletNode.style.top = parseInt(this.bulletNode.style.top)+this.speed +"px";
  33. }
  34. this.create();
  35. }


  1. function createTool(src,x,y,speed,tooltype){
  2. this.src = src;
  3. this.x = x;
  4. this.y = y;
  5. this.speed = speed;
  6. this.getme = false;
  7. this.tooltype = tooltype;//道具类型 1为加boom 2为加血,
  8. this.toolNode = document.createElement("img");
  10. this.create=function(){
  11. this.toolNode.src=this.src;
  12. this.toolNode.style.top=this.y+"px";
  13. this.toolNode.style.left=this.x+"px";
  14. this.toolNode.style.position="absolute";
  15. this.toolNode.style.zIndex=6;
  16. mainobj.appendChild(this.toolNode);
  17. }
  19. this.move=function(){
  20. this.toolNode.style.top=parseInt(this.toolNode.style.top) + this.speed +"px";
  21. }
  22. this.create();
  23. }





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