List of Available Reports

Assigned Function Report

Lists all assigned functions, sorted by function designator.


Bill of Material Report

Lists all components in the design, sorted by reference designator.

翻译:按参考编号排序,列出所有的原件。 常用报告

Bill of Material [Condensed] Report

Lists all components in the design, sorted by symbol type.


Cadence Schematic Feedback Report

Creates a back-annotation file for a Cadence front-end tool and lists the nets attached to eachpin on the board, sorted by component and device type. This report excludes power and ground nets or pins. Originally intended for Design Entry HDL or System Connectivity Manager users, the information is valid for customers using third party logic as well. Obtained from the design file, the four columns are:

  • Reference  Designator
  • Device Type
  • Pin
  • Net Name
Component Pin Report  
Lists all component pins in the design, sorted first by reference designator then by pinnumber.
Component Report

Lists all components in the design, sorted by reference designator.


Cross-Section Report

Lists the name of layers, their type, material, thickness, conductivity, dielectric constant, andother parameters in the design. See the report header for detail content description.

在设计中列出层的名称,它们的类型,材料,厚度,电导率,介电常数和其他参数。 有关详细内容的说明,请参阅报告标题。

Dangling Lines, Via, and Antenna Report

This report shows dangling connect lines, vias and antenna vias in the design. See the reportheader for detail content description.

本报告显示了设计中的悬挂连接线,通孔和天线通孔。 有关详细内容的说明,请参阅报告标题。

Design Partition Report

Generates a history of partition parameters, including the names and number of partitions,their database status, path, designer, and any notes when you choose topartitiona design.


Design Rules Check (DRC)Report

Lists all design rule violations.


Design Rules Net Shorts Check(DRC) Report

Lists all design rule violations for net shorting in the design.


Diffpair Gap Report

Reports gap between nets of differential pair in the design. The report lists nominal gap,actual gap, gap deviation, segment length, segment end points for every differential pair.

报告设计中差分对网络的间距。 报告列出了每个差分对的标称间隙,实际间隙,间隙偏差,段长度,段终点。

Embedded Cavity Report


Embedded Component Report


Etch Detailed Length Report

Lists total etch length on each layer


Etch Length By Layer Report

Lists total etch length on each etch layer for each net.


Etch Length By Layer and Width Report

Lists net name, layer name, and etch length by layer.


Etch Length By Net Report

Lists net name, etch length by net, etch length, manhattan length, and percent manhattan.


补充说明:曼哈顿距离(Manhattan Distance)  详见这篇文章
Etch Length By Pin Pair Report

Lists net name and etch length by pin pair.


Film Area Report

Lists film name, class, subclass, area, and metal percentage between copper and board-outline (or route keep-in, when board outline is added as lines instead of a shape). While calculating metal percentage, all objects present on the film, irrespective of their location -- they can be located either inside or outside board outline -- are considered.

The metal percentage calculation takes place as follows:

If the board outline is added as a shape then the metal percentage is calculated between
copper and board outline
  If the board outline is drawn with lines then the metal percentage is calculated between
copper and route keep-in. However, if the route keep-in is not defined, metal percentage
is not reported.

列出铜和电路板轮廓之间的区域名称,类,子类,面积和金属百分比(或路线保持,当电路板轮廓作为线而不是形状添加时)。 在计算金属百分比时,考虑到胶片上存在的所有物体,无论其位置如何,它们都可以位于板外轮廓内部或外部。金属百分比计算如下:

Film Area Short Report


Function Pin Report

Lists all assigned and unassigned function pins, sorted first by function designator, then bypin name.

Function Report

Lists all assigned and unassigned functions, sorted by function designator.

Missing Fillets Report

Lists Pad and T fillet parameters used to generate fillets as well as missing and partial fillets,the latter of which occur when the tool creates a portion of a fillet. You can click on the coordinates in the report to precisely locate missing or partial fillets in the design. Other information includes net name, item, location, and subclass.

Module Report

Lists module instance, module definition, x and y coordinates, angle, and total module count.

Net List Report

Lists connections, sorted first by net name then by pin number.


Net Loop Report


Net Single Pin and No Pin

Lists nets that have only a single pin or no pins attached to them.

Note:The layout editors do not allow nets without any pins, so these nets will not appear inthe report.

Note:You can add OK_NET_ONE_PIN property to the net to suppress it from beingreported.

Netin Back (back anno.)

Creates a netlist file that you can load or back-annotate. Writes the$FUNCTIONSsection by device type, function type, and function designator; writes$NETSsection by net name, function designator, and pin name.

Netin (non-back)

Creates a netlist file that you can load. Writes the$PACKAGESsection by device type, symbol name, and reference designator; writes$NETSsection by net name, reference designator, and pin number.

Padstack Definition Report

Lists all pad definitions in the design.

Padstack Usage Report

Lists symbol pins that use padstack definitions.

Pin Swap Report

Placed Component Report

The Placed Component report lists all placed components, sorted by reference designator.Other information supplied in the report includes:

Properties on Nets Report

Lists properties attached to nets, sorted by net name.

Route Jumper Report


Shape Dynamic State Report

Lists the state of all shapes, either out-of-date or smooth.

Shape Islands Report

Lists all shapes on the net that are not attached.

Shape No Net Report

Lists all etch or conductor shapes that are not assigned to a net.

Shape Report

Lists dynamic shape settings; generation results, including number of dynamic etch shapesand their areas; shape fill type; thermal relief connects; void controls; and clearance settings.


Slot Hole Report

Details information about oval and rectangularly shaped slot holes for fabrication purposeswhen you do not want to generate NC Route output. For each slot hole, the report lists the X/Y location of the hole center; the padstack-defined Size X, Size Y, and Plating settings; and the rotation inherited from the symbol using the padstack. Size X and Size Y represent the values at 0 rotation without mirroring.

Spare Function Report

Lists functions available on a placed or unplaced component.

Summary Drawing Report

Lists major statistics of the drawing.


Symbol Availability Check Report

Lists the library paths of all unplaced symbols.

Symbol Library Path Report

Lists the path to each symbols library of origin.

Symbol Pin Report

Lists all symbol pin instances, sorted first by reference designator, then by pin number. Alsoreports a pin's X/Y coordinates, symbol name, comp device type, padstack name, and net name.


Testprep Report

Organizes data regarding the testpoint coverage of a design, highlighting untestable nets, aswell as the percentage coverage, number of nets covered, number of testpoints, and number/percentage of testpoints on top/bottom sides.


Unassigned Functions Report

Lists all unassigned functions, sorted by function designator.

Unconnected Pins Report

Lists all unconnected pins in the design with hyperlinks to X/Y coordinates, net names, andtotal unconnected pins.

Unplaced Components Report

Lists all unplaced components in the design.


Unused Blind/Buried Via Report

Identifies unused blind and buried vias associated with a via stack structure, which cancomprise coincidently placed microvias, blind and buried vias, or a combination of both. For example, consider the via stack Micro1-2, BB2-7, and Micro7-8. If a trace connects to the stack on Layers 3 and 6, Micro1-2 and Micro7-8 are identified as unused. Click on the hyperlink to navigate to their location. Unavailable in Allegro PCB Design L, OrCAD, and Allegro PCB Performance option L.

User Schedule [back anno.]

Lists the third party $SCHEDULE net list.

Via List by Net Report

Lists net name, total vias, through vias, BB vias and via name.

Via List by Net and Layer Report

Lists net name, total vias, through vias, BB vias and via name in each layer.

Waived Design Rules Check Report

Lists all waived design rule violations in the design.

Waived Design Rules Shorts Check (DRC) Report

Lists all waived design rule violations in the design.


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